Charnock Hall Primary Academy

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About Charnock Hall Primary Academy

Name Charnock Hall Primary Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Headteacher Paul Burgess
Address Carter Hall Road, Sheffield, S12 3HS
Phone Number 01142396083
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 5-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 399
Local Authority Sheffield
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

This is a welcoming school.

Relationships with parents and the local community are positive. There are strong links between the school and the church, sports clubs and local businesses.

Pupils say they are happy in school and feel safe.

Most are adamant that there is no bullying in their school. However, a small number of pupils and parents say it sometimes happens. They agree that staff are good at dealing with it.

Pupils say that there are lots of trusted adults who will help them if they ever have a worry. Most pupils are very well behaved. They follow the rules and aim to be Charnock All-stars.

There is an expectation that everyone will by the school motto, 'Be the best you can be!'

Staff encourage pupils to try new things such as playing musical instruments, taking part in competitive sport or drama activities. Visits and visitors inspire pupils. Year 6 pupils were eager to describe the skills they developed on a recent residential visit.

Many pupils take on leadership roles and are members of the pupil assembly. Roles include: peer mediators, play leaders, school council representatives, eco-warriors, digital leaders and head boy, head girl and their deputies.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have made sure that the curriculum is broad and balanced.

Detailed plans are in place for all subjects. It is clear how pupils will build knowledge and skills in each subject, year on year. Pupils are beginning to make links between the different things they learn.

This is helping them to remember more. Teachers have a thorough understanding of most of the subjects they teach. However, some do not have the skills they need to deliver high-quality lessons in some subjects such as physical education (PE).

Children get off to a flying start in Reception. They quickly settle into school routines. They enjoy their learning and are proud of their achievements.

There is a focus on developing communication skills. As a result, most listen carefully and speak clearly and confidently. Staff encourage children to explore and investigate.

They join in with play and skilfully broaden children's interests. There are lots of opportunities to practise and develop reading, writing and mathematics skills. Staff build positive relationships with parents and carers.

Leaders effectively promote reading throughout the school. Most pupils say that they like reading and look forward to their time in the school library. They speak with enthusiasm about books they have read, and their teachers have read to them.

Many were keen to say how they enjoy watching teachers reading stories in the videos on the school website. Children often recommend books and authors to each other. Staff are well trained to teach all aspects of reading.

Phonics teaching is systematic. Pupils have lots of opportunities to practise their skills. Books are mostly well matched to phonics knowledge.

Most pupils quickly gain the skills they need to become fluent readers. Pupils who struggle are given the support they need to catch up.

The mathematics curriculum is ambitious and well sequenced.

Teachers carefully check pupils' understanding. They pick up errors and misconceptions quickly and effectively address them. They encourage pupils to search for patterns and to work systematically.

Pupils have lots of opportunities to apply their skills to solve problems. They say that they enjoy the challenges they are set.

Staff have high expectations for the way pupils behave.

Pupils respond well. They are friendly and show respect for adults and each other. Lessons are rarely disrupted by poor behaviour.

The 'Gleaming Classroom' award is encouraging respect for the school environment. Attendance and punctuality have improved. However, there are too many pupils with long periods of absence.

Work on pupils' personal development is a strength of the school. A positive school ethos has developed through effective work on exploring core values. Pupils understand why perseverance and resilience are important.

They enjoy learning about different cultures and religions. They have a good knowledge of British values. Current work, such as taking part in a pupil referendum, is deepening their understanding of democracy.

Staff actively promote pupils' physical and mental health.

The provision for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) has improved. Their needs are identified at an early stage and plans are put in place to show the support they will receive.

However, not all teachers and teaching assistants have the skills needed to provide effective support for some pupils.

All staff share a strong, ambitious vision for the future of the school. Leaders know what they need to do to continue to improve the school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders make appropriate checks to make sure all adults in school are suitable to work with children. They maintain accurate and up-to-date records of these checks.

Staff are well trained. They know the school's policies and procedures well and follow them diligently. They understand that safeguarding is everyone's responsibility.

Staff report all concerns and leaders follow them up rigorously. They make sure that vulnerable pupils and their families get the support they need. Pupils learn about potential risks and know how to seek support should they need it.

Parents say that they know that their children are safe and well cared for.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

Some teachers do not have a deep knowledge of some of the subjects they teach. This means that the quality of lessons varies from subject to subject for some pupils.

Leaders need to make sure that all teachers have a good understanding of all the subjects they teach. . Some teachers and teaching assistants do not have a thorough understanding of the range of SEND needs in the school.

This means that some pupils with SEND do not always receive the support they need to succeed in different situations. Leaders need to make sure that all teachers and teaching assistants extend the range of effective strategies they use to enable them to give effective support to these pupils. .

Too many pupils are persistently absent from school. This means that some pupils are not learning as well as they should. Leaders need to continue to develop effective strategies to make sure that more pupils attend school regularly.

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