Chennestone Primary School

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About Chennestone Primary School

Name Chennestone Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Hayley Mulhall
Address Manor Lane, Sunbury-on-Thames, TW16 5ED
Phone Number 01932785477
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 5-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 323
Local Authority Surrey
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are proud to belong to this friendly, nurturing primary school. They are happy in this vibrant community and feel safe.

Pupils show high levels of respect for people different to themselves.

Pupils do not worry about bullying. They know that the strong team of adults who care for them will help resolve any friendship issues or unkindness quickly.

Staff have high expectations of behaviour and achievement. Pupils work hard to rise and meet these.

There are many opportunities for pupils to develop their talents and interests.

They enjoy and benefit from a wide range of clubs such as cheerleading, football, choir and art. Older pupils tak...e on leadership roles, such as anti-bullying ambassadors or prefects, to become important role models for younger pupils. Pupils develop citizenship skills through their charity work and as part of the 'pupil parliament'.

This also gives them a voice in the running of the school and helps pupils feel inspired to help others.

Leaders and staff are ambitious for every pupil, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). They have a clear determination for every pupil to be fully involved in the life of the school and to prepare them for the next stages of their learning effectively.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

A high turnover of staff and governors has led to some uncertainty and instability. Governors have been dealing with significantly challenging issues for over a year. This has affected some parents' confidence in the school.

Leaders and governors have rightly utilised support during these turbulent times to steady things. Governors acknowledge their task of rebuilding staff morale. They have taken effective action and have the capacity to continue doing so.

Leaders have designed an ambitious and exciting curriculum. Teachers have benefited from high-quality training in specific subjects, for example in phonics and mathematics. In the majority of subjects, teachers know what pupils should have learned by the end of each topic or year, from the early years onwards.

However, in a small number of subjects and in some aspects of early years, the curriculum does not identify what pupils need to learn precisely. This means that sometimes, teachers are not clear about what to teach or what essential learning to check to ensure that pupils have understood.

Pupils, including those with SEND, learn well overall.

Leaders are determined for pupils with SEND to achieve their best. The effective inclusion leader helps staff to identify needs quickly. She prioritises supporting less-experienced staff to help them adapt their teaching to meet the additional needs of pupils.

The teaching of early reading is effective. From the start of Reception, teachers follow the phonics scheme rigorously and consistently. Pupils practise their reading using books that accurately match the sounds they have learned, which helps with their fluency and confidence.

Weaker readers receive carefully planned support to help them keep up. Staff routinely read aloud to pupils to entertain as well as to develop their vocabulary.

From the start of Reception, staff model the positive behaviour and language they expect children to demonstrate.

Leaders have ensured there is a clear procedure for staff to use to manage behaviour. However, a high turnover in staff means that a few adults are not always consistent in following these. Relationships among pupils and staff reflect the very positive and respectful culture.

Leaders ensure that the curriculum supports pupils' personal development well. Pupils appreciate and look forward to the weekly current affairs topics. These are discussed, and the wider issues, such as climate change, are debated maturely.

Staff use effective personal, social and health education lessons to equip pupils with the knowledge, skills and appreciation they will need. Pupils are well prepared for life in modern Britain because leaders teach them about democracy, tolerance and equality. As a result, pupils develop well-considered and respectful views.

There have been many changes in the governing body, including two chairs in just over a year. Despite this, governors check on the school's improvement effectively. This enables governors to hold leaders to account and provide the necessary support.

The majority of staff are positive about recent changes, including highly effective training. They value that leaders carefully consider their workload and well-being while helping them in their roles. The majority of parents are positive about the recent developments, such as the arrival of the acting executive headteacher.

However, parents would like more stability and communication to keep them better informed.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Strong safeguarding practice underpins all aspects of school life.

Effective policies ensure adults know what to do to protect children. Leaders have established a culture of vigilance so staff can identify pupils who may be at risk of harm. Leaders understand their pupils and whether there are any local risks.

Leaders ensure that children and families in need of additional support can access this quickly. Pupils feel safe in school and know where to go for help if they need it. They are confident their concerns will be dealt with well.

Pupils know how to keep themselves safe online.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In a few foundation subjects, and in some aspects of the early years, the curriculum is not yet fully effective. Leaders have not precisely laid out what knowledge and skills to be learned.

This sometimes leads to teachers being unclear about what key knowledge to teach or what understanding to check across a series of lessons. Leaders need to continue refining the curriculum so that it identifies the precise sequenced knowledge that pupils must know and remember. ? The many changes in staffing, governance and leadership have unsettled some parents and staff.

Much of this turbulence has been beyond the control of governors. Although most staff and parents are enthused by recent changes and improvements, a significant minority feel disengaged, wanting more information and stability. Governors and leaders need to prioritise rebuilding morale and levels of communication moving forwards.

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