Cherbourg Primary School

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About Cherbourg Primary School

Name Cherbourg Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Wendy Smith
Address Cherbourg Road, Eastleigh, SO50 5QF
Phone Number 02380612557
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 369
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils thrive in this school. The school values of honesty, respect, kindness, resilience and inclusiveness are woven into the fabric of daily life. Leaders and staff have created a culture where everyone is valued and can join in.

All pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), enjoy many enrichment opportunities. They attend clubs such as sports, choir and crafts. All pupils learn several instruments during their time at the school.

They develop their skills and independence well in forest and beach schools. Pupils relish residential trips, and visits to galleries and museums that help bring learning to life.

Pupils wo...rk hard and enjoy their learning.

In recent years, some pupils did not always achieve well. They are now achieving better, thanks to improvements that leaders have made.

Staff have high expectations of pupils' behaviour.

The golden rules of 'Be safe, respectful and ready for learning' are well understood by pupils. Staff are great role models for positive behaviour. Pupils follow their lead very well.

They are friendly, polite and welcoming. Pupils are proud of their school and considerate of each other. They know that adults will help them if they have any problems.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Since her arrival last year, the current headteacher has worked with focus and energy to improve the quality of education. Ably supported by other leaders and governors, she rightly identified that the curriculum in some subjects was not strong enough. Determined that all pupils achieve well, leaders put realistic plans in place to develop a more ambitious curriculum.

In mathematics and English, the curriculum is now clearly and carefully sequenced so that pupils' knowledge builds up over time. This is leading to pupils, including those with SEND, achieving better. While learning is organised appropriately in most subjects, in a few, new curriculum plans are not yet embedded fully.

In early years, children make a strong start to their learning. Leaders have introduced a new approach to teaching phonics. Children are taught phonics right from the start of Reception.

They quickly gain the knowledge and skills they need to become confident readers. Well-trained staff deliver the phonics programme well. They spot children who have fallen behind and help them catch up quickly.

Older pupils understand the importance of reading widely and often.

Teachers know how to deliver the curriculum well. Most teachers choose appropriate activities and resources that help pupils learn.

However, a few teachers do not have strong subject knowledge. They are supported by leaders to improve this. In early years, staff provide a range of engaging activities that develop children's communication and mathematical knowledge.

Across the school, staff regularly check if pupils have understood and remembered their learning during lessons.However, longer term assessment in some subjects is not well developed. Subject leaders understand this and are improving assessment processes.

All staff are skilled in adapting learning for pupils with SEND. The school's specialist provision, 'Jarjums', supports pupils with social, emotional and mental health needs (SEMH). Pupils with SEND are fully integrated into mainstream classes.

They have the same learning opportunities as their peers and achieve well.

Pupils behave well and almost all focus attentively on their learning. A small number of pupils, often with complex needs, require regular adult help to behave well.

These pupils are very well supported by skilled and caring staff. Over time, most pupils with complex SEND needs are helped to independently improve their behaviour. Very occasionally, some pupils use discriminatory language.

Staff intervene quickly. They make sure that pupils understand why this is not appropriate. Pupils, including disadvantaged pupils and those with SEND, have high attendance, which is improving further.

Pupils' wider personal development is a strength. Leaders are determined that all pupils benefit from great enrichment opportunities, particularly disadvantaged pupils and those with SEND. Pupils take up a range of leadership roles.

Older pupils frequently support younger children at playtime, during lunchtime and in reading. Pupils speak maturely and confidently around equality and diversity. They consider that all people are equal, irrespective of disability, race or religion.

Pupils are well prepared to be young citizens in society.

Leaders and governors are committed to high-quality pastoral support for pupils and their families. Most parents feel that school staff go above and beyond to support their children.

Many parents note the positive changes that have been implemented by new leaders. Staff appreciate that leaders are mindful of their work-life balance. Staff at all levels feel well supported in the school and able to develop professionally.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Keeping children safe is a high priority for leaders. There is a strong culture of vigilance around safeguarding.

Staff are well trained and understand how to spot and report any concerns that they may have about a child. The school's tenacious and experienced safeguarding team knows pupils very well. They are determined to get the best support for children and their families.

The safeguarding team liaises with external partners whenever necessary. Leaders make sure that recruitment checks on adults are timely and thorough. The school's curriculum teaches pupils about managing risks and possible dangers, both online and in the local area.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• The curriculum is not yet fully embedded in some subjects. A few staff do not have strong enough subject knowledge to deliver the new curriculum to all pupils effectively. Leaders should ensure that staff continue to receive targeted professional development to allow them to deliver the intended curriculum successfully.

• Assessment in some foundation subjects is not well developed. Leaders have not yet precisely identified what pupils need to demonstrate in order to show that they have gained and retained the required knowledge. Leaders should make sure that assessment processes in foundation subjects are strengthened.

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