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The school's values, which include honesty, empathy and respect for all, permeate this successful school. Adults create a culture of high expectations for pupils. Pupils meet these expectations.
They are curious and keen to learn new knowledge.In the early years, children take turns and follow instructions exceptionally well. Pupils are respectful.
They follow the school rules consistently without being reminded. Pupils are particularly well mannered and polite. They are considerate, thoughtful and kind towards one another.
Staff form positive, respectful relationships with pupils. As a result, pupils feel valued. Pupils enjoy school and describe the school a...s a friendly place.
They have complete confidence in trusted adults to support them with any worries they have. Pupils feel safe in school and learn how to stay safe online.Pupils enjoy a wide range of school clubs, such as music, sports and languages.
Pupils take on leadership roles across the school. They take pride in their responsibilities as house captains and digital leaders. Pupils' experiences are broadened through a range of trips and visitors.
Most parents are positive about the school. Many appreciate the support given to their children.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school's curriculum is broad and ambitious.
It is designed well to ensure that the diverse needs of pupils are met. The curriculum carefully considers the important knowledge pupils must learn and the order in which they learn it. For example, in mathematics, children in Reception learn to add and subtract numbers effectively.
Pupils learn mathematical vocabulary from an early age. The strong focus on number provides the secure foundation for future learning.
In most subjects, assessment is used well.
For example, in mathematics, assessment is used to identify gaps in pupils' knowledge well. However, in some subjects, the impact of these checks is less effective. As a result, some pupils develop gaps in their learning and do not deepen their knowledge well enough.
This hinders their progression through the curriculum.
Children in Reception get off to an excellent start. Well-trained staff support children's language development exceptionally well.
Staff create purposeful opportunities to develop children's speech and vocabulary. Children learn to read from the moment they start school. They practise phonics regularly.
Regular and accurate assessment in early reading and phonics means pupils' needs are quickly met. Pupils progress rapidly. Across the school, pupils enjoy reading and listening to a wide range of texts.
This secures a lifelong love of reading and helps pupils become fluent readers.The school makes sure pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are well supported. From Reception, the school identifies the needs of these pupils quickly.
Staff have the expertise they need to adapt learning and provide appropriate support for pupils with SEND. This means pupils with SEND learn the same curriculum as their classmates.
The early years provision in this school is exceptional.
Children learn the routines and habits of school from the very beginning. Children are highly motivated and eager to join in.
Pupils' conduct is exemplary.
This starts in Reception, where children learn how to develop friendships as they play together and share. Further up the school, pupils are resilient and have extremely positive attitudes to learning. Older pupils act as role models and set a positive example to others.
They support other pupils and help staff on the playground. Pupils' actions make a noticeable contribution to the life of the school.
The school prioritises pupils' wider development.
Pupils play a significant role in the local area. Many pupils attend events and festivities. This instils a sense of pride in the wider community.
The curriculum helps pupils build knowledge of fundamental British values. However, some aspects of the personal development curriculum are not as well developed as others. Pupils' knowledge and understanding of other cultures beyond their own community is not as secure.
The governing body fulfil their statutory duties well. They are well informed about the school's strengths and next steps for development. Staff appreciate the priority given to their well-being and workload.
Staff are proud to work at the school.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• In some subjects, the school's use of assessment is not used with enough precision to check what pupils know and remember.
Some pupils have gaps in their knowledge. This hinders their progress through the curriculum. The school should ensure that assessment captures what pupils know and remember and uses this information to adapt or inform the curriculum and future learning.
• The school has not considered well enough how to improve pupils' understanding of cultures different to their own. As a result, pupils' knowledge of cultures different to their own is underdeveloped. The school should ensure that the curriculum helps pupils to learn about different cultures.