Cherry Hinton Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School

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About Cherry Hinton Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School

Name Cherry Hinton Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Ms Sally Haiselden
Address High Street, Cherry Hinton, Cambridge, CB1 9HH
Phone Number 01223568834
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary controlled school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 184
Local Authority Cambridgeshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Cherry Hinton is an inclusive and harmonious community. Pupils understand and live out the school's values, 'agape love, courage and thankfulness'. They show this through their kind acts and how they care for each other.

Pupils are happy at school. They enjoy positive working relationships with adults and their peers.

Pupils know that their teachers expect them to work hard in their lessons.

Pupils are attentive and try their best. They are eager to learn. They share their ideas willingly and consider the views of others.

Pupils happily give their own opinions during class discussion. This creates a purposeful yet calm school environment for learning....

Pupils are accepting of those who are different from themselves.

They respect and celebrate differences. For example, assemblies often start with a welcome in a different language represented in the school. Pupils say it is important to treat everyone equally.

Bullying is rare. Pupils are confident that adults will sort out any concerns.Pupils learn about important world issues through responding to 'big questions'.

Some have key roles to look after the outside. Use of an outdoor programme helps pupils to build their sense of belonging to a community.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have planned an ambitious curriculum for all pupils.

They have identified the key knowledge pupils need to learn. Leaders' curriculum plans start from the early years through to Year 6. For example, children in Reception use the tale of 'The Gingerbread Man' to create their own maps.

This prepares them well for studying subjects such as geography in Year 1 and beyond.

Leaders have carefully considered how the curriculum builds pupils' language. This is successful, especially in supporting pupils in the early stages of speaking English.

Pupils use technical language to explain their learning. In art, for example, pupils discussed the different techniques artists use in their pictures.

Leaders are continuing to refine their subject plans.

In a few subjects, some of the key knowledge is not broken into sufficiently small steps, and, as such, teaching is not as effective. This means that pupils do not have a secure knowledge on which to build for future learning.

Teachers make effective checks of pupils' prior knowledge.

Through questioning, teachers identify and address any gaps in pupils' understanding. Sometimes, teachers do not accurately identify pupils' starting points for learning. The tasks they plan do not help pupils to extend their thinking.

This means pupils do not learn as well as they could.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are well supported. They play an active role in the school community.

Adults skilfully adapt plans to ensure that pupils access the same learning as their peers. They understand how to use small steps to help pupils with SEND learn and make progress.

Love of reading is a priority for this school.

This begins with children learning phonics when they start school, in Reception. Staff teach phonics well. Pupils who need support with reading receive extra help.

Pupils quickly become fluent readers. Pupils enjoy the daily stories read to them by adults. Reading ambassadors make sure that every class has a wide range of reading materials.

They recommend books to their classmates, helping to motivate and inspire them to read.

Pupils are polite and courteous. They speak confidently to visitors when talking about their school.

Pupils behave well, both in and out of class. They enjoy sharing games on the playground, happily mixing with pupils from different classes.

Pupils learn what it means to be a responsible citizen in modern Britain.

They support one another while undertaking different roles, such as eco-warriors and peer mediators. Leaders provide opportunities to extend their horizons through visits and residential trips. Pupils learn about keeping healthy, physically and mentally.

The active mile is a daily feature of school life.

Staff welcome the support they receive from leaders to manage their workload and well-being. Governors hold leaders to account through robust and supportive challenge.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders understand the importance of safeguarding. They make sure that staff are well trained to identify any signs of abuse.

Staff receive regular updates to ensure everyone knows what to do if they have a concern. Leaders act quickly in response to any information they receive. Leaders provide vulnerable pupils and families with any help they need.

They work closely with external agencies to help keep pupils safe.

Governors ensure that all the requirements for recruiting staff are completed. They make regular checks to reassure themselves that every adult knows how to respond when they have a concern.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In some subjects, the curriculum does not provide the detailed knowledge to ensure teachers understand and teach what pupils need to know and remember.This means that pupils do not develop a secure knowledge on which to build their learning step by step. Leaders need to ensure that their plans are refined to include all the small steps to build pupils' learning successfully across the curriculum.

• In a few cases, teachers do not make appropriate pedagogical choices to help pupils think more deeply about their learning. This means pupils are not challenged to achieve to the level at which they are capable. Leaders should ensure that all teachers understand how to build pupils' learning from their starting points so that they build a strong depth of knowledge.

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