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Pupils really enjoy attending this friendly school.
Pupils are sensitive to the needs of others and look for opportunities to help each other. The values of the school run like a golden thread through all it does. Pupils are confident to share their feelings and opinions.
They value and celebrate differences in one another, and this is reflected across the whole school community.
Leaders are ambitious for all pupils. Pupils want to learn and do their best.
They take part in learning activities enthusiastically and learn well across the curriculum. Pupils behave exceptionally well in and out of lessons. Bullying and acts of unkindness are extremely ra...re.
Pupils have every confidence in adults to look after and care for them. Pupils know how to share any worries so that adults can help them to sort things out.
Pupils thrive because their interests and talents are nurtured.
Pupils are enthusiastic about taking part in a wide variety of clubs. These range from sign language and football, to coding and young enterprise. Public speaking competitions, residential activity trips and the opportunity to broadcast live on 'Radio Christmas' mean that there is always something to look forward to.
These activities enable pupils to follow their interests, volunteer and develop resilience and independence.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have designed a broad and ambitious curriculum for all pupils including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Leaders have identified the key things that pupils need to learn and remember.
In each subject area, leaders have thought carefully about the journey of learning from Reception to Year 6. This means that all pupils acquire knowledge effectively. Activities are chosen to inspire curiosity and help pupils to remember the most important things.
In some foundation subjects, these ambitions are not fully realised, so some pupils do not achieve as well as they could.
Pupils learn to read from the start of their time at school. Phonics is taught using a well-organised programme.
Teachers make sure that reading books are matched to the sounds pupils know so that pupils can read with accuracy and understanding. Adults teaching phonics spot pupils who struggle with reading. They ensure that these pupils get the extra help needed to catch up.
Regular story times in every class mean that pupils develop a wide vocabulary. Older pupils continue to build their reading skills and practise these regularly. Pupils talk with enthusiasm about books they are reading and are keen to make progress through reading challenges.
Staff are trained to deliver phonics well, but this is not fully consistent in practice. This means that some pupils are not learning to read as effectively as they could.
Staff are proud to work at Chesham Bois because they know they provide excellent support for pupils.
They appreciate that leaders value their work and take their workload into consideration. Teachers check pupils' learning effectively. They spot what pupils have found hard and use this information to work out the next steps in their teaching.
Teachers identify the needs of pupils with SEND quickly and accurately. Leaders are resourceful in accessing effective external support when necessary. Teachers make careful adaptations to their teaching to help those with SEND.
As a result, all pupils are supported to learn and achieve effectively.
Pupils respond exceptionally well to teachers' high expectations of behaviour and attendance. Very few pupils are regularly absent.
The school's values are known and explained by pupils. They are used by all adults right from the start of Reception to model how to behave and interact with others. Pupils are eager to learn and try new things and the clear routines of the school means that they try hard even when they find things challenging.
Pupils manage their own behaviour very well and delight in showing care for each other. This is especially clear during break times where pupils play, read and chat in mixed age groups. As one pupil said, 'Everyone is your friend here.
Little or big, we're all the same.'
The personal development of pupils is exemplary because the leaders have created a carefully crafted programme. In Reception, pupils are keen to fill 'their bucket' by showing the values of the school in their play and lesson time.
Throughout the school pupils ponder some of the challenging questions of life as they move through this curriculum. They flourish because they learn to discuss their opinions and listen to those of others with respect. The uptake of clubs and activities is excellent for all pupils, particularly those most disadvantaged and pupils are inspired by the rich opportunities they receive.
Governors understand their roles and bring a range of experiences to their work with the school. They ensure that the vision and values of the school are prioritised in all strategic developments to promote the achievement of all. Trustees of the Oxford Diocesan Bucks Trust oversee this work and use clear processes to assure themselves that the correct actions are being taken.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders have created a culture where safeguarding is always at the top of every agenda. Leaders provide staff with regular training and because of this staff are alert for any signs that pupils may be at risk of harm.
Staff understand how to report their concerns and leaders are swift to respond to these. Pupils learn how to keep safe, and leaders regularly update the curriculum so that pupils understand how to stay safe when online. Those pupils with SEND receive bespoke teaching to ensure that they are ready to stay safe as they move to secondary school.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• In some foundation subjects, the curriculum is not yet fully effective. This means that not all pupils recall as much of the rich and interesting curriculum as they could. Leaders should continue to embed the curriculum across all foundation subjects.
• Some staff are not as confident as others in teaching phonics. This means that not all pupils are benefitting as much as they could in the early stages of learning to read. Leaders should continue to embed the phonics scheme so that all staff are experts in delivering all aspects of it.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.