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The school is coming out of an unsettling time. Since the arrival of the new headteacher, much has changed for the better. Pupils' behaviour has improved.
They are polite, friendly and well mannered. Bullying is rare. Pupils trust staff to sort out any issues that arise.
This helps pupils feel safe and valued.
Leaders aim high. They want all pupils to succeed.
Over the past year, they have improved many aspects of the curriculum. However, leaders recognise that the quality of education is not yet good. Too many pupils do not gain the depth of knowledge they need to be successful in all subjects.
Pupils enjoy their newly created roles in the ...school, for example acting as head boy, head girl or house point monitors. A highlight for many is the Friday celebration assembly. Here, teachers award certificates for the 'star of the week', 'writing whizz' and 'mathematics magician'.
These awards inspire pupils to try hard in all they do.
Pupils attend a wide range of clubs. These include dodgeball, cooking and drumming.
However, experiences to broaden pupils' personal development are not yet well enough established.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The headteacher leads the school with a determined vision. Teachers speak highly of the school's leadership.
They value the coaching and training they receive to improve their practice.
Leaders have designed a broad and balanced curriculum. In some subjects, such as history and geography, they set out the important concepts and vocabulary they expect pupils to learn and revisit.
For example, pupils in Year 3 use and understand the terms 'source' and 'tributary' when studying rivers. They revisit this knowledge when they learn about the water cycle.
However, leaders have not designed or implemented the curriculum in subjects such as computing with the same precision.
Some activities that teachers plan do not secure or deepen pupils' learning well enough. Consequently, pupils do not learn as much as they could.
Leaders pay close attention to pupils' communication and language.
In the Nursery Year and in the Communication and Interaction Centre (CIC), staff immerse children in stories and rhymes. Children enjoy retelling stories they know using words and actions. A newly introduced approach to phonics is taking hold well.
Staff know how to teach phonics. Pupils remember the sounds they need to read confidently and fluently, especially in Years 1 and 2. However, some children in the Reception Year are not learning enough.
As a result, leaders have recently ensured that children practise learning their letter sounds more regularly. It is too soon to see the full impact of this work.Pupils of all ages enjoy reading.
Teachers read high-quality books to develop pupils' vocabulary and understanding of important issues. For example, older pupils know about war and asylum seekers from reading a book about the experiences of a young Syrian in the UK.
Teachers assess pupils' understanding regularly in English, mathematics, history and geography.
They recap and revisit what pupils have learned previously to help the most important knowledge stay in pupils' memory.
In some subjects, leaders do not check thoroughly enough what pupils have learned. As a result, some subject leaders are unsure of what is working well for pupils and what needs to improve.
Published outcomes for pupils in the core subjects were weak in 2022. However, leaders' actions to develop the curriculum are beginning to improve pupils' learning.
The school is a positive environment for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities.
Staff identify their needs early and accurately. Teachers adapt the curriculum appropriately to meet pupils' needs. This is particularly effective in the CIC.
Behaviour in lessons and around the school is calm and orderly. Pupils like to earn house points for doing the right thing. Pastoral staff provide valuable support and guidance for pupils with social and emotional needs.
Leaders' work to enhance pupils' personal development is still evolving. Pupils understand how to keep fit and healthy. They learn that it is important not to judge someone because of their appearance or gender.
Visits to the school by the police and fire service help pupils understand how to keep safe. However, pupils are not confident discussing religions, faiths and fundamental British values.
Governors and trustees have steered the school through a period of change.
They understand clearly what is working well and what needs to improve. Governors ask probing questions to hold leaders to account.
Most parents and carers feel that their children are happy and do well in school.
Several commented positively on the improvements under the new leadership team.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders act in the best interests of pupils to keep them safe.
They train staff well, so they know the process for identifying and reporting concerns. Leaders communicate quickly with external agencies for pupils who need extra help. Governors have effective oversight of safeguarding.
They ensure that adults who work at the school are safe to do so.Pupils learn about important issues, such as online safety. They feel confident talking to a 'trusted adult', including the police, if they have any worries.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• In some subjects, leaders do not identify the precise knowledge they want pupils to know and remember. In these subjects, pupils do not gain the depth of understanding they should. Leaders must identify the essential knowledge that pupils need to learn in all subjects.
• Some activities that teachers plan do not secure pupils' knowledge. This prevents pupils from building on their learning over time. Leaders should support teachers in developing activities that deepen pupils' knowledge and understanding in all subjects.
• Some subject leaders do not monitor or evaluate the quality of education in their subject rigorously enough. As a result, they do not clearly understand what is working well for pupils and what needs to improve. Subject leaders should monitor the quality of education in their subject closely to ensure that pupils learn what the curriculum intends.
• Leaders have only recently started to teach pupils about different cultures and British values. Consequently, some pupils' knowledge of these concepts is not sufficiently developed. Leaders should ensure that the curriculum fully prepares pupils for life in modern Britain and as global citizens.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.