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Every day, staff greet pupils with a smile at Cheviot Primary School. Pupils and parents say that 'everyone is welcome here.'
All pupils play and learn alongside each other happily. They say, 'Nobody gets left out at Cheviot, we all help each other.' Pupil behaviour is exemplary.
From classrooms to corridors, pupils show self-control and a sense of calmness. This includes the youngest children of the school, who settle into school routines and expectations very quickly. Pupils say that bullying does not happen and 'no one is scared of anyone'.
They trust adults to always keep them safe and sort out any problems that they may have. Care is at the heart of thi...s school.
Expectations for pupils are high.
The school's 'get up, get in, get on' mantra is understood by pupils. They say that they have to come to school every day so that one day they can get a good job. Many pupils have high hopes of being future engineers, photographers, designers and tradespeople.
This is because staff in the school open up a world of possibilities for pupils.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have high aspirations for the pupils of Cheviot. They ensure that pupils achieve well.
They say that pupils 'deserve more' than a standard offer. The curriculum that pupils follow has been organised and ordered to make sure that it builds their knowledge year on year from the Nursery class to Year 6. Teachers choose appropriate and engaging tasks for pupils.
Provision for children in early years, including the two-year-olds, is of a high quality. Staff develop children's social skills and knowledge of the world with care and rigour. In key stages 1 and 2, teachers do not revisit past learning enough in some subjects.
Teachers sometimes do not check what pupils know and can do accurately. They do not help pupils build on the secure knowledge that they already have. Pupils forget what they have been taught in the past when this happens.
Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are supported well. Pupils' individual plans are jointly produced with pupils and their families. Leaders and governors carefully consider the pupils who may need extra help and have high aspirations for them.
Pupils who attend the additionally resourced provisions (ARPs) receive the exact support that they need.
Pupils develop a love of reading and enjoy reading the range of books available to them. They say that 'you have to read every day'.
By the time pupils leave Year 6, most of them can read confidently and fluently. The curriculum for pupils in the early stages of reading is not as strong. The school's phonics programme is not organised as well as it could be.
Sometimes, pupils receive books that are too hard for them to read. This does not help them to become fluent readers.
The school's work to develop pupils' attitudes, character and understanding of others is exemplary.
Staff seek out experiences, visitors and partnerships to bring the outside world into school. Work with local universities, police, magistrates and the local MP all help pupils to understand life in modern Britain. Pupils take part in a variety of awareness weeks and assemblies about others' needs and views.
This helps them to become tolerant and kind. Pupils say that 'everyone is treated equally' in their school.
A well-developed personal, social and health education curriculum prepares pupils to deal with issues such as consent, relationships and equality.
Pupils feel well prepared for secondary school and adolescence. The impact of COVID-19 has halted a wide range of clubs. They are now restarting.
Pupils look forward to the full range returning soon.
Staff have high expectations for pupil behaviour. Pupils rise to this challenge.
Pupils are polite, respectful and listen carefully in lessons. Their attitudes towards each other and their acceptance of difference are a pleasure to see.
Parents are valued and welcomed each day at the school gate.
Parents are positive about the school. Several parents said that they 'wouldn't send their child anywhere else'. They are well informed about what pupils learn so they can provide support at home.
They value the online home-school messaging system. Pupils attend well and those who do not are supported and encouraged to do so. Attendance is a constant priority for the school.
Staff at the school feel well supported and part of a school and trust team. If they ask for help, they know that they will get it. They say that 'the headteacher's door is always open'.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders say that 'safeguarding is everything' in this school. They ensure that staff are well trained so they can spot when pupils or families need help.
Staff in the school know their families well and what to do when they are worried about a pupil. They work hard to get the help and support that families need. Leaders are not afraid to challenge when they feel that services outside of school could be doing more.
Pupils are taught how to stay safe in their local area and online. Leaders recognise that road safety and cycling are important things to learn about in an area with only a few pedestrian crossings.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• Teachers sometimes ask pupils to read books that they are not able to successfully decode.
Teachers do not ensure that the assessment used to check what sounds pupils know is used to select these books. Some pupils are unable to read books fluently and confidently. Leaders should ensure that assessment systems used by teachers enable pupils to receive books that are matched to their phonetic knowledge.
Leaders should train teachers in how to do this. ? Teachers do not systematically build on prior content that pupils have been taught in some foundation subjects. Pupils do not develop the secure bank of knowledge they need to know.
Pupils cannot always remember what they have been taught and therefore struggle to apply knowledge in a new context. Leaders should review how curriculum content is delivered to pupils, ensuring that assessment information is used to help pupils to remember knowledge more accurately. Teachers should revisit past learning to strengthen pupils' long-term memory.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.