Chilton Foliat Church of England Primary School

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About Chilton Foliat Church of England Primary School

Name Chilton Foliat Church of England Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Katie Turner
Address Stag Hill, Chilton Foliat, Hungerford, RG17 0TF
Phone Number 01488682630
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 94
Local Authority Wiltshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are very proud of their school. They are polite and courteous, and conduct themselves well.

Pupils cooperate with each other well regardless of their age. Older pupils relish being positive role models for younger pupils. Pupils report that they feel safe in school and can approach any member of staff if they have any concerns.

Staff manage behaviour well and pupils report that bullying is rare.

Pupils and staff live out the school's values of thankfulness, courage and love daily. Pupils share their experiences and activities referring to these values.

Parents and carers appreciate the strong pastoral support from staff and feel that their chi...ldren are cared for and happy in school.

Everyone values the links with the local community. Pupils look forward to serving at the community lunches.

The newly opened building, part funded by the diocese, local community and by the pupils' own efforts, is a testament to this strong partnership.

Pupils respond well to the high expectations placed upon them by their teachers. They enjoy their learning and produce work of good quality.

Consequently, pupils make good progress throughout the curriculum.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders and governors are ambitious for pupils. Since the last inspection, leaders have focused on improving the curriculum and the quality of education that pupils receive.

Leaders have provided teachers with high-quality professional development to aid this improvement.

Leaders are ensuring that teachers plan an interesting and engaging curriculum. Leaders have high aspirations for pupils academically, personally and socially.

As a result, pupils are achieving well and producing work of good quality. Pupils hold positive attitudes towards their learning and behave well in lessons.

Leaders promote reading well.

Pupils report that they enjoy reading and the range of books that leaders suggest to them. The effective phonics teaching enables children in Reception to get off to a good start. They can identify letters and the sounds they represent quickly.

Staff support pupils who struggle with reading. Staff use appropriate resources to aid these pupils. These, along with encouragement, help build pupils' confidence in sounding out unfamiliar words.

Reading lessons are aiding pupils in developing their understanding of what they read.

Pupils learn well in mathematics. Leaders have made sure that there is a clear sequence and progression of learning.

Pupils are well versed in their knowledge of calculations and practise these daily. Teachers provide opportunities for pupils to revisit previous learning; this helps pupils remember more. Most pupils' workbooks show that they are able to apply their knowledge and explain their thinking when solving problems.

However, pupils who struggle are not provided with as many opportunities to develop these skills as their peers.

Staff want pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and disadvantaged pupils to do well. Leaders make sure that these pupils receive the support they need.

Teachers plan activities so that pupils can access the curriculum in a way that matches their individual needs.

In subjects such as history and art, pupils learn the knowledge and skills needed. Pupils can recall events in time order in history.

They have a good understanding of artists and their techniques. The quality of work that pupils produce is developing well in most areas. However, some pupils struggle to make links to previous learning within a few subjects, such as science.

Pupils have a good sense of their life and place in modern Britain. Leaders promote pupils' emotional and social understanding very well. For example, pupils responded well to the visit of a local missionary.

As a result of this, they decided to support a charity that helps street children in Africa. Pupils enjoy the many different opportunities to visit places they have been learning about, as well as extra-curricular clubs. Pupils learn effectively how to be healthy and stay safe online.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders keep children very safe. Leaders and governors ensure that the school policies and culture provide a secure environment for pupils.

Regular training ensures that staff have a good understanding of their role and responsibilities in keeping pupils safe. Leaders and staff are vigilant and know the procedures to follow should they have concerns regarding pupil safety.

Leaders navigate the varying safeguarding systems of the two local authorities from which the school population comes well.

This ensures that pupils and families receive any external support they may need.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

Leaders have a clear overview of a coherent and well-sequenced curriculum. However, the rolling programme of the curriculum is in its infancy.

Leaders have ensured that there is clear progression of learning in mathematics, history and art. This work needs to be transferred to other subjects, such as science. Leaders need to continue to review the impact of their plans for the curriculum when implemented fully.

. At present, pupils have knowledge of the skills that are required to be successful in some subjects, such as history and art. These need to be embedded throughout the curriculum so that pupils can use their prior learning to make links within the subject domains and across subjects.

In particular, leaders need to check how well the design of the curriculum helps pupils know more and remember more of what they have learned across every subject. Teachers need to make sure that they plan greater opportunities for pupils to revisit old ideas so that these become embedded in pupils' long-term memories. .

Lower-attaining pupils do not have sufficient time to practise applying their mathematical knowledge and skills to problem solving. This reduces their learning. Leaders need to ensure that lower-attaining pupils are provided with the same opportunities for reasoning and problem solving in mathematics as other pupils, so that they extend their application of knowledge and skills.

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