Chilvers Coton Community Infant School

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About Chilvers Coton Community Infant School

Name Chilvers Coton Community Infant School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Miss Terri Hitchcox
Address Fitton Street, Nuneaton, CV11 5RB
Phone Number 02476387001
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-7
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 231
Local Authority Warwickshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school Since the last inspection, the headteacher has made new appointments to key leadership positions in the school. New leaders have worked closely with the headteacher to monitor the quality of teaching and to hold teachers to account for the progress that pupils are making.

Teachers plan lessons which allow all groups of pupils to make good progress from their starting points. Children get off to a good start in early years as a result of well-planned activities which are interesting and engaging. The headteacher ensures that the governing body has access to information about the progress that the pupils are making and about the quality of teaching....

As a result, they are able to challenge school leaders and hold them to account for pupil outcomes. Pupils respond well to staff expectations and are focused during lessons. Teachers and governors have received the appropriate safeguarding training.

Arrangements to keep pupils safe in school are effective. It is not yet an outstanding school because : The most-able pupils are not making as much progress as they could because teachers do not plan effectively enough to move them on more quickly to the next stage in their learning. Pupils do not have ready access to a wide range of reading books to support greater depth of learning in reading and writing.

The recently appointed school leaders have not had sufficient time to embed fully the changes that they have introduced. As a result, rates of progress are not rapid enough.

Information about this school

Chilvers Coton is slightly smaller than the average school.

Since the previous inspection, three teachers and four teaching assistants have left the school. The headteacher has appointed a new deputy headteacher who takes responsibility for English, and two new senior managers who take responsibility for mathematics and early years. The school runs its own breakfast club.

The proportion of disadvantaged pupils known to be eligible for the pupil premium (additional government funding for pupils known to be eligible for free school meals and children who are looked after by the local authority) is slightly lower than the national average. The proportion of pupils whose first language is not believed to be English is much higher than the national average. The proportion of disabled pupils and those who have special educational needs is higher than the national average.

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