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Chirton Church of England Primary is a school where everyone is welcome and accepted. Pupils thrive in a caring and nurturing environment. The school's Christian values, such as 'trust, love and equality', are central to day-to-day life at the school.
They guide pupils successfully in all they do.
Leaders and staff expect pupils to aim high. They strive for them to be responsible, respectful and resilient.
Pupils say that teachers 'push you out of your comfort zone in a good way'. This is because staff have created a culture where it is safe to ask for help and learn from mistakes.
Pupils need few reminders about how to behave.
They choose t...o do the right thing and respond well to the 'big heart chart' and house points. Their behaviour seldom disrupts learning.
Leaders plan rich experiences beyond the classroom to complement pupils' learning.
The weekly sessions in the forest school are overwhelmingly popular. Here, staff provide practical activities to reinforce and enhance learning.
Pupils eagerly take on leadership responsibilities across the school.
They fulfil their roles as digital leaders, reading buddies and helpful heart playground monitors with maturity. Pupils learn to be positive advocates for themselves and others.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders place reading at the centre of the curriculum.
The new library is an inviting place for pupils to immerse themselves in books. Reading ambassadors are proud to share stories with younger children. Teachers select high-quality literature to build pupils' vocabulary and deepen their general knowledge.
Older pupils speak animatedly about themes from the books they read. For example, they know the importance of challenging gender stereotypes and valuing diversity. Pupils say, 'We learn not to judge someone for who they are.'
Pupils leave the school as capable readers.
The new and rigorous approach to phonics works well. Most children in Reception Year can read and write the sounds they have learned.
Pupils read books matched to the sounds they know. This helps them become confident and fluent readers. If pupils struggle, staff show them how to blend sounds together to read words.
They provide extra practice for those who need it. Teachers make sure that no pupil is left behind when learning to read.
Leaders have thought carefully about the curriculum design for mixed-age classes.
Staff have identified the knowledge that pupils need to learn. Where subjects are well established, pupils confidently remember what they have learned. For example, pupils in Years 2 and 3 can use timelines to order historical events.
The youngest children can describe what happens when you double and halve numbers. However, leaders have not clearly highlighted the key concepts that pupils need to remember and revisit in all subjects. This makes it more difficult for pupils to link existing knowledge to new learning.
Furthermore, a minority of subjects are at an early stage of development. In these subjects, pupils do not yet have the in-depth knowledge and understanding as they do in other areas.
Teachers use ongoing assessment well to find out how pupils are doing.
Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) have their needs identified early. Staff adapt their approach through the use of resources and additional support. This allows pupils with SEND to learn the same ambitious curriculum as others.
Consequently, they achieve well from their starting points.
Pupils' conduct is positive. They greet visitors warmly and show respect in their interactions with adults.
Pupils value the trust that staff place in them to manage their behaviour.
Leaders' work to develop pupils' opportunities beyond the academic is very impressive. To broaden pupils' talents and interests, they take part in a local Eisteddfod and perform at a singing concert in London.
Pupils' service to the school and the wider community is commendable. They raise money for charities and plant trees in the village. Pupils develop a deep understanding of cultures and faiths that differ from their own.
For example, they speak to a rabbi about Jewish customs and visit a mosque to support their learning about Islam. Leaders ensure that pupils grow into well-rounded youngsters.
The headteacher is determined that every child succeeds.
She has cultivated a strong spirit of teamwork. Staff are proud to work at the school. They appreciate leaders' efforts to manage their workload and well-being.
Governors and trust leaders strike the right balance of challenge and support to help the school progress.
An overwhelming majority of parents hold the school in high regard. Many say they are fortunate to be part of the 'little school with the big heart'.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders prioritise pupils' safety. They train staff in relevant safeguarding.
Staff are knowledgeable. They recognise signs of potential harm in pupils. Leaders act swiftly when staff or pupils raise concerns.
Governors test out the school's procedures. For example, they check that staff are suitable to work with pupils. Consequently, leaders actively promote a culture of vigilance.
Pupils feel safe. They trust that adults will listen to them if they have any worries. The curriculum teaches pupils how to stay safe on the roads, in the outdoor classroom and online.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• In some of the wider curriculum subjects, leaders have not clearly highlighted the key concepts that pupils need to remember and revisit. This makes it more difficult for pupils to link existing knowledge to new learning. Leaders need to prioritise and emphasise the essential knowledge, and then ensure that pupils establish deeper connections with their learning over time.
• In a minority of subjects, staff are in the initial phase of implementing the recently refined curriculums. Therefore, pupils are at the early stage of developing the knowledge they need. Leaders need to ensure that pupils can apply their knowledge in these subjects with the same confidence as they do in other areas of the curriculum.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.