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Pupils at this school are treasured. From the moment that they join, they are seen as important individuals who are valued for their uniqueness.
Pupils flourish from the strong and meaningful relationships that they have with adults and each other. They thrive in the nurturing and encouraging environment. Pupils benefit significantly from the wealth of provision that is available to support their social, emotional and mental health needs.
The school places pupils' safety and well-being as paramount. Pupils' happiness and success, academically and in their wider lives, are at the centre of the school's work. This is borne out in pupils' eagerness to attend school and t...heir ready smiles throughout the school day.
Pupils have very positive attitudes towards their education. They meet the school's high standards for their academic success, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Pupils relish learning new knowledge and are highly engaged in their lessons.
The school provides an exceptional programme for pupils' personal development. Staff prepare pupils extremely well for life in modern Britain. Pupils learn about people from a wide range of different backgrounds.
They show high levels of tolerance and respect towards others. They are helped to be active members of their community.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school has established an ambitious curriculum, which it has set out from the Nursery Year to Year 6.
The school has made sure that learning is sequenced effectively so that pupils can build new knowledge on what they already know and can do. Many pupils learn the curriculum extremely well.
Children in the early years get off to an excellent start.
They gain new learning quickly and securely. Children benefit particularly well from the high-quality adult interactions to stimulate independent learning. The school helps children to be extremely well prepared for Year 1.
On the whole, the curriculum is taught well. Staff give clear direction and timely feedback to help pupils learn. However, in Years 1 to 6, expectations of some aspects of pupils' writing are not consistently high.
For example, the accuracy of pupils' handwriting, spelling and grammar. Occasionally, mistakes in pupils' writing go unchecked. This means that they make avoidable errors in their writing, which can hinder their fluency.
The school has already identified this issue. It has taken swift and appropriate steps to tackle this. Some progress has already been made.
However, it is too soon to see the full impact of these actions.
Pupils are encouraged to read a wide range of literature. They celebrate the joy of reading.
Children in the Nursery Year practise and develop the key skills to prepare them for learning to read. Children in the Reception Year can then learn the phonics code well.Skilled staff provide effective guidance for pupils who are not keeping up with the pace of the phonics programme.
This helps those pupils to catch up quickly. Consequently, by the end of Year 2, most pupils can read confidently and fluently.
The school identifies the needs of pupils with SEND quickly.
Pupils blossom from the support and guidance of knowledgeable and skilled adults. Pupils with SEND are given every opportunity to be fully involved in the life of the school.
Pupils throughout the school are welcoming and friendly.
They are especially proud of their school. From the early years, they are well-mannered and can articulate confidently with others. Pupils move around sensibly, creating a calm and joyful environment.
The school's work in securing regular attendance for pupils is highly effective. It quickly identifies the barriers to pupils attending school regularly and provides strong, personalised support for families.
The school understands the context of its community.
It makes every effort to ensure that pupils prosper from a rounded educational experience rooted in its values. The school's programme to enhance pupils' personal development goes beyond the expected. The school places great emphasis on developing pupils' understanding of their own emotions and actions.
Pupils are highly reflective. The school helps them to value different viewpoints. Pupils experience a range of stimulating opportunities to develop their talents and interests, such as musical theatre and comedy clubs.
Older pupils go climbing and paddleboarding. Numerous visitors share their knowledge and experiences. Pupils have a strong understanding of moral purpose and how to be a positive citizen.
Governors understand their roles and carry them out highly effectively. They ensure that staff workload is manageable, which in turn means that staff are highly focused on achieving the school's aims. The school ensures that staff are trained well to carry out their roles.
It is meticulous in its approach to analysing and using information to help pupils achieve well. The school has created an exemplary culture of inclusivity.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• Occasionally, there are inconsistencies in the expectations of grammatical standards in pupils' writing across the curriculum. This hinders a small number of pupils from using their foundational knowledge, notably letter formation, spelling and grammar, as well as they could. The school should ensure that staff consistently apply its high expectations of the accuracy of the written work that pupils produce to the same standard in all subjects.