Christ Church (Church of England) Infant and Nursery School

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About Christ Church (Church of England) Infant and Nursery School

Name Christ Church (Church of England) Infant and Nursery School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Sarah Blower
Address Shaw Lane, Tettenhall Wood, Wolverhampton, WV6 8EL
Phone Number 01902558945
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary controlled school
Age Range 3-7
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 204
Local Authority Wolverhampton
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils thrive at this school.

From the moment the children start in the Nursery, they feel safe because they know adults care for them. Pupils are taught to be caring and responsible individuals. Their behaviour is exemplary in lessons, around the school and at social times.

Pupils have overwhelmingly positive attitudes to learning.

The school's motto of 'Grow and learn together in the presence of God' comes through all aspects of the school. Pupils are knowledgeable about Christianity, but they also have a deep understanding of different religions and cultures.

They respect views and opinions that are different from their own. As one pupil said, 'It...'s okay to have different beliefs; it doesn't matter. We just play with everyone.'

All staff have high expectations of pupils. Pupils rise to these expectations. The school's ambitious curriculum has been carefully constructed.

Leaders have thought about what pupils need to know and the skills they need to master, starting in the Nursery. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are incredibly well supported by well-trained staff. They are fully included in the life of the school and make excellent progress.

At this school, no child is excluded, and all are encouraged to find their individual gifts and talents.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

All staff are determined to give pupils the best start in life. As a result, pupils become confident and articulate learners.

They relish the opportunity to discuss their learning and take pride in their successes. The school has established a highly ambitious curriculum for all pupils. Leaders have worked with determination to carefully identify the important knowledge and skills that pupils will learn in each subject.

They have worked effectively with the federated junior school to ensure that the curriculum builds, step by step, from the Nursery Year through to Year 6. As a result, pupils leave Year 2 with the knowledge and skills they need to meet the demands of junior school.

The curriculum has reading at its heart.

Books, stories and nursery rhymes have been carefully chosen to help pupils develop their understanding of the wider world, including about diverse and inspirational people. Pupils enjoy reading and appreciate the stories that teachers read to them. The phonics programme is delivered in a highly effective way.

All staff are skilled and have strong subject knowledge. This means they identify quickly and address any inaccuracies or misconceptions pupils may have. This ensures pupils quickly gain the knowledge that they need to be successful readers.

Pupils with SEND are extremely successful learners. Staff swiftly identify any needs the pupils may have. This starts in the early years, where staff work closely with children and their families to ensure that support is quickly put in place.

Lessons are inclusive, as staff help to remove barriers to learning for these pupils. As a result, these pupils flourish.Children in the early years make an excellent start to school.

They develop strong and trusting relationships with adults and their peers. Staff have high expectations for the children's learning and behaviour. Children learn to use their manners, take turns and play exceptionally well together.

Children are exposed to the concepts of fairness and democracy through activities such as voting for the book they want to read at story time. The ambitious curriculum ensures that the children are well prepared for their future learning.

Pupils have an excellent understanding of issues, both locally and globally.

They talk with confidence about how they raise money for local charities. Pupils have an excellent understanding of fundamental British values. They understand and respect differences.

One pupil said, 'We can all be different. For example, we can have different families. It doesn't matter.

We are all the same and we are all loved.' The school has thought carefully about their 'courageous advocates' curriculum, where pupils learn about the impact of different role models from across the world. Pupils talk knowledgably about different faiths, cultures and beliefs.

Pupils' behaviour is excellent. Right from Nursery, children are taught to know and follow the school rules. All pupils have excellent attitudes to learning.

Pupils develop their confidence and independence through having opportunities to take responsibility, such as leading worship, being playground buddies and becoming reading ambassadors.

Governors are a force for improvement. They demonstrate strong strategic oversight and provide effective support and challenge to school leaders.

Staff are all proud to work at the school and appreciate how leaders consider their workload and well-being. Parents and carers are overwhelmingly positive about the school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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