Christ Church (Erith) CofE Primary School

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About Christ Church (Erith) CofE Primary School

Name Christ Church (Erith) CofE Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Principal Mrs Claudet Hedman
Address Lesney Park Road, Erith, DA8 3DG
Phone Number 01322333780
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 555
Local Authority Bexley
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is an outstanding school. Pupils' behaviour and attitudes towards school, each other and learning are outstanding.

An excellent range of experiences, topics and subjects inspires pupils' love of learning throughout the school. As a result, pupils talk with real enthusiasm about how they are part of planning what they learn. Leaders, including governors and directors, are passionate about the school and its values.

They have built a team of leaders and staff who are extremely supportive of the school's approach and always very keen to take on new challenges. The school continues to improve. Extremely rigorous and robust checks carried out by leaders at all... levels check how the school is doing and how it can be better.

Consequently, their relentless drive for improvement is driving up pupils' achievement and constantly developing the quality of teaching further. Children's experiences in the Reception classes are rich and stimulating. Especially good links with parents are encouraged particularly well.

The constant focus on developing children's language skills ensures children get off to a very good start in school. Across the school, pupils' achievement is outstanding and progress over time in reading, writing and mathematics is excellent. Pupils' achievement is stronger in reading and mathematics than writing.

Disadvantaged pupils do especially well, outperforming other pupils in school and nationally in reading, writing and mathematics. Those pupils who speak or write English as a second language achieve as well as their peers and make very good progress. Outstanding teaching supports the very strong progress pupils make in their learning across the classes and key stages.

Together teachers, teaching assistants and pupils discuss and reflect extremely effectively how pupils can improve their work. Pupils are extremely caring, thoughtful and considerate, succeeding in following the school's values of respect, honesty, forgiveness and joy. Pupils of all backgrounds, cultures and faiths work and play together very harmoniously.

Leaders and all those in school are especially rigorous in their efforts to keep pupils safe. Pupils themselves take a very active part in their classes, the playground and in the wider community in trying to keep themselves and others safe.

Information about this school

This is a larger-than-average-sized primary school.

All pupils attend full time. In response to local demand, the school is increasing in size. Most of the pupils are from minority ethnic backgrounds, with the largest groups Black African and White British.

With 27 home languages spoken in the school, the proportion of pupils speaking English as an additional language is above the national average. Of these, a small minority is at the early stages of learning English. The proportion of disabled pupils and those pupils with special educational needs is below the national average.

Most of the additional needs relate to communication and speech and language difficulties. The proportion of disadvantaged pupils supported by the pupil premium is broadly average. The government provides this additional funding to give additional support to pupils known to be eligible for free school meals and those who are looked after.

The school meets all the government's floor targets. These set the minimum expectations for pupils' attainment and progress. The school has received external recognition of its work in planning the range of subjects and activities that pupils' experience.

The school's section 48 inspection of religious character took place in October 2014. It was judged outstanding. The school became an academy on 1 May 2013.

It is part of the Trinitas Academy Trust alongside St Augustine of Canterbury C of E Primary School, and Trinity Church of England School, Belvedere. A chief executive has overall responsibility for the trust and the primary academies are led by an executive headteacher supported by a head of school in each. Trinitas Academy Trust is led by a board of directors, which includes members from the local governing body of each of the schools.

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