Christopher Hatton Primary School

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About Christopher Hatton Primary School

Name Christopher Hatton Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Ms Clare McBride
Address 38 Laystall Street, London, EC1R 4PQ
Phone Number 02072784500
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 224
Local Authority Camden
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

This is an exceptional school. Leaders and governors have built a cohesive community. Relationships throughout the school are excellent.

Pupils are polite and considerate. All members of the school community show each other the utmost respect. Pupils cannot recall instances of poor behaviour or bullying.

They have full confidence that the adults, whom they trust implicitly, would sort out any concerns. They really enjoy coming to school and have a thirst for learning.

Leaders place great emphasis on developing pupils' character.

Pupils are proud to be here. They told inspectors that 'Hattoneers' value and respect everyone equally, embrace challenges ...and put in their best effort.

Leaders put language development at the heart of pupils' education.

They understand that the ability to express oneself clearly and confidently is an essential life skill. Their vision is that pupils will be informed, articulate and empowered. The wide range of pupils whom inspectors spoke to embodied that vision.

Leaders have designed a challenging and well-thought-through curriculum. Consequently, pupils develop a deep understanding in all subjects. The curriculum prepares pupils exceptionally well to take their place as responsible citizens in the modern world.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff share a common understanding of what characterises excellent teaching. This leads to strong and consistent practice across the school. Teachers are adept at building on what pupils know.

For example, in Year 6 science, pupils used the information they had learned so far to classify the platypus, chosen because it has features from several different groups of vertebrates. Pupils relished the challenge and had deep and purposeful discussions about how, if it has a beak, whether that means it is a bird.

These principles are applied across all subjects.

That, together with the well-designed and ambitious curriculum, ensures that all pupils achieve highly. Provision for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) is excellent. Transition from one year to the next is smooth because expectations and routines are so consistent.

This particularly supports the learning of pupils with SEND. They thrive in the inclusive and well-ordered environment that leaders have established.

Assessment is highly effective.

For example, in physical education (PE), teachers regularly check on pupils' learning and adapt tasks accordingly. Similarly, in mathematics, teachers identify the precise support that pupils with SEND need. This ensures that all pupils are successful.

The quality of work in pupils' books and celebrated in displays around the school is exemplary. It shows that pupils are exceptionally well prepared for moving on to secondary school.

Leaders ensure that all children learn to read fluently.

At the early stages of reading, teachers systematically check the sounds that pupils know. They match books precisely to these sounds. This enables pupils to practise their reading skills confidently.

Children in early years regularly listen to and join in with songs, rhymes and traditional tales. For example, inspectors saw them enthusiastically re-enacting 'The gingerbread man' at story time.

Throughout the school, routines are extremely well established and happen seamlessly, without the need for adult intervention.

Even the youngest children come in from play, put their coats away and get back to learning promptly. Low-level disruption is almost unheard of.

Staff go above and beyond to provide a wide range of high-quality enrichment experiences for every child as part of the 'enrichment pledge'.

Governors show their commitment to equal opportunities by providing bursaries for disadvantaged pupils, such as for additional guitar lessons, so that they do not miss out.

Leaders promote pupils' personal development exceptionally well. Pupils' physical development is very well catered for.

The PE curriculum is expertly focused on building skills in sequence. This is supplemented by a broad range of clubs, including those for taekwondo and basketball. A strong focus is given to developing self-esteem and resisting peer pressure.

For example, staff speak to pupils about sexual harassment and consent as part of their work on healthy relationships.

Staff are proud to work at the school. They are given excellent opportunities to develop the skills they need to do their jobs to a high standard.

Staff morale is high, and staff can see the extremely positive impact their work has on pupils. Staff believe that leaders take their well-being into consideration when making decisions. Staff turnover is very low.

Leaders engage exceptionally well with parents and carers. Parents were delighted that they will once again be able to visit classes regularly from next week. Describing the school, parents typically say it is 'a home from home'.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders provide regular training. This has resulted in staff who are knowledgeable about safeguarding risks and vigilant in spotting even minor changes in pupils' demeanour.

A new online system has made processes even more robust. These records show that staff report concerns promptly. Leaders then respond in a timely manner and keep detailed records of subsequent actions.

Strong links with external agencies ensure that pupils and their families get the help they need.Pupils explain how the school helps them feel safe and learn how to stay safe. For example, they talk confidently and at length about how to stay safe online.

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