Churcham Primary School

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About Churcham Primary School

Name Churcham Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Mark Davies
Address Churcham, Gloucester, GL2 8BD
Phone Number 01452750467
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 50
Local Authority Gloucestershire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

The vision of 'learning, respecting and growing together as a whole school family' embodies Churcham Primary School.

Pupils learn together and respect one another within and beyond the classroom. The large oak tree in the school playground is a central focus. Pupils place importance on the tree as their logo.

They talk of it symbolising their growth during their time within this school family.

Pupils exemplify the school's values. Transitions between activities are seamless.

Pupils take great pride in their work, and they are keen to show off their learning. Pupils rise to the high expectations that all staff share.

Pupils enjoy winter sport...s club, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics workshops and musical instrument lessons.

In Year 6, they embark on a residential visit with their partner school. This helps pupils to develop confidence and widen their friendship circles before secondary school. Pupils learn about various cultures, for example through their 'Jamaica day'.

Charity is high on the agenda for pupils. They choose which causes to support. This includes a local donkey sanctuary.

This care extends to leaders' efforts to promote sustainability. The school has carefully picked literature that encourages pupils to look after the environment.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school is ambitious for pupils.

Leaders are unwavering in their determination for all to succeed. The school recognises reading as essential for helping pupils to learn the curriculum. Children learn phonics as soon as they begin school.

All staff have had training in the scheme. Staff assess pupils so they know where knowledge gaps are and act on these quickly. Consequently, pupils achieve well in phonics.

Books are matched to the sounds pupils know securely. A love of reading is promoted through themed author days. Children visit the local library, and parents enjoy shared school library sessions.

Children develop confidence, and as a result, they love to read.

The school has constructed a curriculum that is sequenced towards clearly defined end points in the majority of subjects. Teaching focuses precisely on the important knowledge the school wants pupils to know.

The school has created assessments that review pupils' learning well. In these subjects, pupils remember their learning and make links between different topics they have learned before. In a minority of subjects, however, the school has not designed the curriculum with enough precision.

This means pupils can describe what they have done but not what they learned.

Early identification of special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) is prioritised. The school provides staff with useful training to help them understand how to support pupils with SEND in their learning.

Targets for these pupils are precise and focused. As a result, pupils learn the curriculum well.

The school has designed a system for monitoring the curriculum.

This is having a positive impact in many subjects, for example in early reading. Leaders check how well pupils are learning the curriculum. They support staff to develop their subject knowledge and expertise.

This is shared widely with staff. As a result, teaching improves and pupils learn the curriculum well. This could be developed in some wider curriculum subjects with precise subject-specific support.

In the early years, children are confident and know the classroom routines. Strong relationships between staff and children mean they feel safe and happy. Activities are matched to the knowledge the school wants children to learn.

They benefit from enriching experiences, including visitors who bring their current storybooks to life. Misconceptions such as 'skunks are always black and white' are challenged. Communication with parents and transition from nursery is carefully planned.

Because of this, children make a strong start at Churcham.

The school's sharp focus on the behaviour and wider development of pupils are a strength. Pupils learn to be a good friend and look after each other with genuine care.

Pupils are clear that difference is to be celebrated. They are inclusive and celebrate events such as neurodiversity week to raise awareness. Leaders' work to improve attendance has had a significant impact.

Persistent absenteeism has reduced. As well as the school's rigorous analysis and action, pupils do not want to miss the exciting experiences provided to them at school.

Leaders and governors are aligned in their vision for the school.

Governors' evaluation of the school is accurate. They hold leaders to account effectively. The school is respected by parents.

They are overwhelmingly positive about the school and the communication they receive. Parents describe their children as being happy and thriving.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In a minority of wider curriculum subjects, the most important knowledge that pupils need to learn has not been identified. As a result, pupils struggle to remember their learning. The school must identify the precise knowledge they want pupils to learn and sequence this coherently so that pupils remember what they have learned.

• The school's monitoring of some wider curriculum subjects is not specific enough. This means pupils do not progress through the curriculum as well as they do in the more established subjects. The school should ensure monitoring of the curriculum has a precise focus so that implementation of the curriculum can be developed at pace.

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