Churchdown Village Infant School

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About Churchdown Village Infant School

Name Churchdown Village Infant School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Jess Hutchison (Interim Head)
Address Station Road, Churchdown, Gloucester, GL3 2NB
Phone Number 01452714178
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-7
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 159
Local Authority Gloucestershire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Leaders, including governors, are ambitious for pupils and want them to achieve well. They are bringing about positive changes to improve the curriculum.

However, the quality of education pupils receive is not yet good. Aspects of the curriculum, including in the early years, remain underdeveloped.

Pupils enjoy coming to school.

They appreciate the range of experiences beyond the classroom to nurture their interests. These include a range of clubs from sports and baking to board games and art.

Pupils are polite and show care towards each other.

They behave well in lessons. At times, low-level disruption occurs when learning is not closely ma...tched to pupil need. Pupils say that adults deal with this quickly.

Pupils understand what bullying is. They say it does not happen but know that if it did, staff would sort it out quickly.

Most parents speak positively about the school.

Many praise the school for the support for their children's well-being. Some state how welcoming and caring the school is. They value the 'noticeable improvement' in the school since the new headteacher joined.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The new headteacher has high expectations of what staff and pupils can achieve. She has recognised the quality of education pupils receive needs to improve. She is quickly bringing about change and has well-founded plans to improve the school.

Leaders understand the importance of pupils learning to read. They have invested in books that all pupils read or share for pleasure. A new phonics scheme is still in its early stages of implementation.

Pupils who struggle with learning to read do not receive the precise support they need to become confident and fluent readers. Not all staff have the knowledge to teach reading effectively. Books do not always match the sounds pupils are learning.

As a result, not all pupils develop into confident and fluent readers.

Leaders have begun to address inconsistencies in the approach to the teaching of mathematics. For example, the subject leader is improving teachers' subject knowledge.

This is beginning to have an impact. Pupils say they enjoy mathematics. However, some pupils struggle to make connections with their mathematics learning overtime.

Some staff are new to their subject leader roles. The curriculum for the early years is not yet well planned. Equally, work to develop some subjects within the key stage 1 wider curriculum is in its infancy.

Consequently, not all subjects nor all aspects of the early years curriculum identify the important knowledge pupils should learn. For example, in art, although teachers plan creative activities, the curriculum does not develop pupils' artistic skills and knowledge. Teachers do not systematically check what pupils already know and can do before planning their teaching.

Nor do they always adapt learning precisely enough for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). As a result, pupils, including some with SEND, have gaps in their subject-specific knowledge.

Leaders understand the individual needs of pupils with SEND.

They identify these early. Leaders make positive links with external agencies. Pupils with more complex learning needs receive effective tailored help, particularly in English and mathematics.

Overall, pupils have positive attitudes to their learning and behave well. They understand their teachers' expectations. Those who sometimes struggle with their behaviour and emotions are well supported.

Leaders ensure that pupils receive a relevant personal, social and health education curriculum. Pupils develop a positive understanding of respect. They know why it is important to be a good friend.

Pupils can talk about why it is alright to be different. A typical comment was 'we are all the same on the inside; we all have feelings and different opinions. It would be boring if we were all the same.'

Pupils have opportunities to take responsibility. For example, they enjoy being a member of the school council. However, pupils' cultural understanding is less well developed.

Governors have worked closely with leaders to evaluate the school's priorities. They recognise that there is work needed to ensure the school provides a high-quality education. However, they do not have a clear understanding of what needs to improve in relation to the curriculum.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

The new headteacher has worked tirelessly to ensure effective systems and processes are in place to keep pupils safe. Staff understand their safeguarding responsibilities.

They know how to identify a child who might be at risk of harm and what action to take. Leaders carry out the necessary employment checks on staff to ensure they are safe to work with children.

Pupils say they feel safe in school.

They know who to go to if they have a concern. The curriculum supports pupils' understanding of staying safe in various situations, including when online.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Pupils who struggle with reading do not receive the precise support they need.

Books do not always match the sounds pupils are learning. As a result, pupils do not read as fluently as they should. Leaders need to ensure that all staff have the necessary knowledge to teach reading, so all pupils develop into confident and fluent readers.

• The school's curriculum, including in the early years, is not effectively sequenced or implemented. As a result, pupils, including those with SEND, do not build secure knowledge over time. Leaders need to ensure that teachers have the necessary subject knowledge and understanding of pedagogy and assessment, so that pupils learn well.

• Subject leaders are in the early stages of developing their leadership roles. As a result, they do not have clear understanding of their subject area and the effectiveness of its curriculum. Leaders need to ensure that subject leadership is strengthened.

• Governors do not have a sufficient depth of understanding of the quality of education pupils receive. Over time, they have not challenged leaders sufficiently across subjects in the wider curriculum. Governors need to ensure they gain a clear oversight into the effectiveness of the curriculum and hold leaders stringently to account.

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