Churchfield Church School

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About Churchfield Church School

Name Churchfield Church School
Ofsted Inspections
Mrs Nicola Smith
Address Burnham Road, Highbridge, TA9 3JF
Phone Number 01278782743
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 479
Local Authority Somerset
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils enjoy coming to school because they like learning and being with their friends. They say that it is a friendly school, and that staff are friendly and supportive.

They say that there is no bullying and if there are any friendship problems, staff help them to resolve them quickly.

Staff have high expectations of pupils. This means that pupils behave well in lessons and around the school.

All pupils, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), are fully included in school life. All pupils go on exciting trips to learn about the subjects they are studying. For example, Year 2 pupils visited the statue of a local hero, Frank... Foley, to learn about his importance in history.

Pupils enjoy reading and listening to stories read by their teachers. This helps them to learn well in other subjects. However, in a minority of subjects, pupils do not learn as well.

Leaders are taking effective action to improve this rapidly.

Nursery and Reception are an integral part of the school. Children get a very good start to their education.

They are enthusiastic about learning and thrive in this setting.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff share leaders' ambitions for pupils to succeed in their learning and to thrive socially and emotionally. Leaders have prioritised reading across all year groups.

Staff have worked hard to implement an effective approach to reading. Consequently, children in Reception and pupils in key stage 1 learn to read well.

In Reception and Nursery, staff help children to develop their vocabulary so that they can learn about subjects successfully.

For example, inspectors observed Reception children using the word 'navigate' when learning about maps. Similarly, across key stages 1 and 2, staff help pupils expand their vocabulary so that they can be more successful learners and read well. For example, in history, Year 2 pupils use words such as 'activist' when categorising historical figures.

Leaders and staff have established a well-sequenced curriculum in most subject areas. For example, in mathematics, pupils draw skilfully on their prior knowledge to help them learn new topics. This helps pupils to learn different methods to solve mathematical problems.

In Reception, children have many opportunities to develop their understanding of number.

The English curriculum enables pupils to revisit key grammar and texts when crafting their writing. The curriculum also provides pupils with many opportunities to develop their imaginative interpretations of the world.

For example, Year 5 and Year 6 pupils visited Brent Knoll to see, first hand, the source of a local legend. However, in a few subject areas, leaders acknowledge that pupils' learning is not as well planned. Leaders are taking speedy and effective action to address this.

Leaders have put in place effective systems to ensure that pupils keep up with the curriculum. Staff use information about pupils well to inform the planning of their lessons. They revisit learning to ensure that pupils have a secure understanding before moving onto new topics.

Pupils with SEND receive highly effective support. Some pupils with complex needs study the curriculum with suitable adaptations. Consequently, pupils with SEND flourish in the school.

Leaders have also ensured that pupils attend school regularly. They have developed strong relationships with parents and carers. Leaders have communicated the message well that if pupils are not in school, they are not learning.

Pupils' positive attitudes to school begin in early years. Children are highly enthusiastic about their learning. They use talk very well to build each other's understanding of the world.

For example, an inspector observed two children, dressed as police officers, discussing in detail how to capture a robber who had stolen all the 'candy'. Pupils across the school are kind and respectful towards each other. They are attentive in lessons and want to achieve.

Pupils are well prepared for life in modern Britain. They learn about democracy throughout the curriculum. For example, Year 2 pupils spoke about the importance of respecting other people's opinions in a history lesson.

Pupils also vote for their representatives in the school council.

Governors monitor the work of leaders very well. They ask challenging questions to ensure that pupils receive a good education.

Staff are overwhelmingly positive about working at the school. They state that leaders support their workload and inspire them to do well.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

The school's checks on adults who work at the school are fit for purpose. Leaders and staff are vigilant in their care for the emotional and physical safety of pupils. Leaders are tenacious in their work with external agencies to ensure the safeguarding of pupils.

All pupils who spoke to inspectors stated that they felt safe and protected by staff at the school.

The school's system for recording safeguarding concerns are not as strong as it could be.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In a minority of subjects, leaders have not established a well-designed curriculum.

This means that pupils do not learn new knowledge in these subjects as well as they do in other areas of the curriculum. Leaders need to embed the recently developed curriculum so that pupils learn more and remember more across all subjects in the national curriculum. ? There is a strong culture of safeguarding in the school, ensuring that pupils are safe.

However, leaders do not record their responses to safeguarding concerns in sufficient detail. This means that they do not have a detailed chronology of the actions they have taken. Leaders need to ensure that the recording of safeguarding concerns is thorough.

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