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Pupils are eager to learn and explore new ideas, displaying remarkable maturity. Teachers actively model and promote positive communication skills such as making eye contact, smiling and voice projection.
Pupils rise to the school's exceptionally high academic and social standards, striving to be 'loud and proud' when offering ideas in lessons.
They engage actively in lessons and are motivated by the postcards they receive, recognising their active participation and effort.
Pupils are polite and thoughtful in their interactions with one another. For example, they benefit from the school's 'warm/strict' ethos and, therefore, can make informed choices to behave... well because they know that this benefits all members of the school.
It results in a place where pupils feel safe.
The school passionately prioritises pupils' personal development, welfare and well-being. The personal development curriculum is creative and engaging, helping pupils grow into responsible and respectful world citizens effectively.
This is achieved through a diverse range of high-quality clubs, leadership roles and educational trips. The school nurtures pupils' unique talents and interests through activities such as debating, music, sports, chess and dance.
In the sixth form, students participate in a range of enriching experiences, including charitable works and work experience.
They also receive comprehensive careers guidance and support to make informed decisions about their futures.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school has designed an exceptionally ambitious and forward-thinking curriculum that matches, and in some cases exceeds, the scope of what is expected nationally. The curriculum not only inspires academic growth but also nurtures pupils' cultural capital through enriching opportunities.
Pupils benefit from 'Subject Enrichment Weeks', which offer valuable opportunities to explore connections between the subjects they study and gain a deeper understanding of potential career paths. Central to the school's ethos is a commitment to building disadvantaged pupils' resilience, enabling them to thrive and achieve their full potential.
As pupils move through their educational journey, they develop remarkable expertise in their chosen subjects, demonstrated by the consistently outstanding work they produce.
The curriculum equips pupils with the skills and knowledge they need for success in their next stages of education, employment or training. Examination results are exceptionally strong, with disadvantaged pupils achieving outcomes that exceed those of their peers nationally.
The curriculum is implemented across the school with a high degree of consistency.
Staff are true experts in their fields, continuously enhancing their teaching skills through the high-quality training provided by the school. This dedication to professional growth ensures that teaching remains dynamic, effective and engaging. Despite the school's impressive achievements, leaders remain committed to improvement, using data-driven evaluations to refine the curriculum and enrichment opportunities further.
The school quickly and accurately identifies the additional needs of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and demonstrates exemplary support for them. Most of the support provided is delivered by subject teachers through the core curriculum. Teachers have been very well trained to meet the needs of pupils in their lessons.
They are provided with user-friendly, clear and focused information on pupils' needs to inform their planning and practice further. This ensures that pupils with SEND excel and flourish during their time at the school.
Students in the sixth form display exceptionally high standards of work in their subjects.
In Spanish lessons, they engage in sophisticated, fluent conversations. While in mathematics, they craft well-structured responses to complex problems using subject-specific vocabulary. Similarly, their art and design projects exhibit a high level of creativity and technical expertise.
Thanks to the school's robust curriculum and outstanding careers guidance, students progress to prestigious universities, including international Ivy League institutions, and ambitious career pathways.
The school places a strong emphasis on reading. Pupils read frequently, which enhances their fluency and accuracy.
Those who require additional help with reading receive effective support to catch up swiftly. The school actively encourages reading for pleasure. Key stage 3 pupils benefit from dedicated reading lessons, and the well-stocked library is a valuable resource pupils make good use of.
This strong foundation empowers pupils to engage fully with the wider curriculum.
Beyond academics, the school offers a vast range of enrichment and leadership roles designed to foster essential attributes like resilience, leadership and service. The school is deeply committed to ensuring that all pupils, including those from disadvantaged backgrounds, have access to these enriching experiences.
Leaders carefully monitor participation and use this information to enhance their offerings continually. The school's diversity calendar ensures that a wide range of opportunities are provided to help pupils understand, appreciate and celebrate things that make us similar and yet different: Black History Month, Asian History Month, Pride Month: lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT).
The school benefits from strong and expert governance.
The trust and those responsible for governance have a deep understanding of the school's strengths. They provide invaluable support and constructive challenge to leaders, ensuring the school's continued success and improvement.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.