City of London Primary Academy, Islington

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About City of London Primary Academy, Islington

Name City of London Primary Academy, Islington
Ofsted Inspections
Ms Kim Clapham
Address 15 Baltic Street West, London, EC1Y 0AE
Phone Number 02075040556
Phase Academy
Type Free schools
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 312
Local Authority Islington
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are at the heart of everything that this school does. Pupils like the way teachers make lessons fun and interesting. They understand the ways teachers explain things to them.

This helps them remember what they have learned. The headteacher and her team have the highest aspirations for all pupils. When pupils do not understand something or need to talk about a worry, they trust staff to help them.

Parents and carers particularly appreciate how well leaders and teachers know their child.

Pupils enjoy the wide range of exciting activities and visits that are planned into all subjects. Pupils remember how visits to interesting places have helped them under...stand more about the subjects they learn.

Older pupils at the beginning of Year 2 can discuss their ideas together with maturity. They have learned how to respect one another's ideas and listen well. Children who have started in Reception have settled in very well and enjoy the excellent activities on offer.

The pupils we spoke with feel safe. We saw excellent standards of behaviour around the school. Pupils hardly notice when teachers sort out the very rare poor behaviour and prevent any bullying, which means they can get on with their work.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Senior leaders include all staff in discussions about what pupils should be taught and when. Everyone shares high expectations for all pupils.

Leaders have made sure that staff are experts in teaching their subjects.

Our checks on pupils' books showed that this leads to high-quality work. Pupils make impressive use of what they can remember when discussing their ideas. For example, many Year 2 pupils include ideas in their writing learned from the authors they have read and admired.

This was evident in history, where pupils described in detail the living conditions of people during the great plague.

Teachers adapt lessons so that pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities achieve well. Pupils' behaviour is exemplary.

Leaders manage and improve the behaviour of the few pupils who need help. Pupils thrive because they receive well-planned sequences of lessons.

Teachers gather lots of information about children when they join the Reception class.

They use this to decide how to help children make best use of activities inside and outside the classroom. Children used their knowledge of their reading book 'The Bog Baby' to inspire imaginative shelter building. Leaders in the early years organise training for staff and checks on teaching to make sure that children learn to read quickly.

They work with other leaders to influence the way pupils learn subjects across the whole school.Teachers understand why the teaching of reading is such a high priority. Pupils are immersed in the stimulating world of books and stories.

Staff pick up on mistakes pupils make when pronouncing letters and sounds. When pupils try to read words they cannot say, they use their phonics skills and try to work out what the word is. Pupils achieve well in reading and enjoy the skilful guidance of staff when choosing books to read.

The school provides exceptional opportunities for pupils' personal development. Pupils share ideas and feelings with confidence. They know how important it is to understand and respect differences and diversity.

Leaders use a range of activities to help pupils know more about different religions, cultures and types of families.

Leaders inspire teachers and staff members to learn. We found a positive team spirit in the school.

Staff told us that leaders are considerate and supportive of their well-being and workload. Governors and trustees support the school and are involved in all aspects of school life.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders prioritise pupils' safety and welfare. Staff are trained to recognise the signs and symptoms of abuse. They are vigilant and report any concerns quickly.

Leaders are quick to follow up any unexplained absences from school.

Leaders and staff work well with other agencies, such as children's social services. This enables them to support families who may be facing difficulties.

Leaders, trust members, governors and staff take great care to make sure that the school, in its temporary accommodation, is safe and secure. Staff teach pupils to recognise risks and hazards. This helps pupils to keep themselves safe.

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City of London Primary Academy Islington Extended School Services

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