Claines CofE Primary School

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About Claines CofE Primary School

Name Claines CofE Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Simon Gent
Address School Bank, Claines, Worcester, WR3 7RW
Phone Number 01905451235
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary controlled school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 207
Local Authority Worcestershire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils, staff, parents and carers are immensely proud of the school community and rightly so. Pupils flourish academically and personally at this warm and nurturing school.

Pupils feel safe and happy in school. They enjoy learning and appreciate the many enrichment opportunities that are provided for them.

Relationships between staff, pupils and their families are strong.

From the moment children join the school, behaviour is exemplary. A purposeful and calm atmosphere pervades through the school. Pupils demonstrate the school's core values of respect, compassion, courage and perseverance throughout all aspects of school life.

The school has high exp...ectations for pupils. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) receive the support they need to access the full curriculum. This enables all pupils to live up to the high academic expectations and achieve exceptionally well.

The school plans a range of opportunities for pupils to develop as community-minded citizens. Pupils feel the school really values their views. Many take on leadership roles and share their ideas about improving the school.

Playground buddies and anti-bullying ambassadors act as role models for other pupils. Pupils have an acute understanding of what is fair and right. They understand the importance of thinking of others through their charity work.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has designed an ambitious and coherently planned curriculum. It sets out important knowledge and skills that pupils need to learn. Staff use activities that engage and inspire pupils.

Staff help pupils to draw meaningful links between different areas of the curriculum. This helps pupils to make connections and consolidate their learning. Staff model key vocabulary.

Pupils build their vocabulary as they move through the school.

At the heart of the school's success is the shared ambition to help every pupil reach their full potential. Teachers use their checks on pupils' understanding to identify anyone who requires extra support.

This ensures that pupils get the right help at the right time. The school's support for pupils with SEND is a notable strength. The school promptly identifies the needs of pupils with SEND and gives them effective support to access learning and develop independence.

The 'confidence club' within mathematics lessons supports pupils who need help to keep up with the programme. Many pupils achieve exceptionally well. This is testament to the high-quality, tailored support that they receive.

The school prioritises the importance of pupils being able to read well. Staff deliver the phonics programme effectively, which begins when children start school in the early years. As pupils progress through the school, they learn to read and write with accuracy and fluency.

Pupils who require additional help receive well-tailored and timely support to keep up with the programme. By the time pupils leave the school, they are highly competent readers.Children in the early years quickly learn the routines and expectations.

Children show high levels of engagement and concentration. These positive attitudes to learning continue to grow as children progress throughout the school. Pupils' attitudes to learning are highly positive, and they behave exceptionally well.

The school provides a rich range of experiences for pupils' personal development. Pupils have a strong understanding of what it means to be equal, accepted and different. The school provides a wealth of experiences to develop pupils' character, resilience and life skills that are needed to be well prepared for modern Britain.

These include a broad range of educational and cultural visits and charity and community work. Such experiences enrich pupils' understanding of the world, nurturing empathy and a sense of social responsibility. Pupils know how to keep healthy through eating well and taking exercise.

They have a range of strategies to support their mental health. Pupils know how to keep safe, including online.

Pupils are encouraged to attend a wide range of extra-curricular activities that allow them to explore interests beyond the classroom.

There is a very high uptake because the school makes sure that there is something for everyone.

The school's motto of 'Stronger together, rooted in faith' embodies the strength of teamwork felt across the school. Staff are highly committed and thankful for the school's commitment to reducing staff's workload.

Parents especially value the sense of community and nurturing support that exists in the school. They work well with the school to ensure that pupils attend well.

Governors play a highly effective role in the success of the school.

They are well informed about pupils' achievement and the strength of the school's curriculum. They help to set high aspirations for all aspects of the school's work.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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