Clare Community Primary School

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About Clare Community Primary School

Name Clare Community Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Mrs Lorna Stranger
Address Erbury Place, Clare, Sudbury, CO10 8PZ
Phone Number 01787277423
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 195
Local Authority Suffolk
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils enjoy coming to this small school because they feel happy and safe. Overwhelmingly, parents agree.

Pupils like school as 'it is friendly', and they 'know everyone'. Staff know each pupil well. Parents value the care provided by staff.

One parent summed up the views of many in saying, 'I feel very lucky that my children have this lovely school to go to every day!'

Pupils have positive attitudes to learning in many subjects. They like trips and visits linked to the topic work. Pupils talk about what they have learned with enthusiasm.

There are many opportunities for pupils to be leaders such as: play leaders; librarians; and house captains. The...y take these roles seriously and know that they are expected to be good role models to others.

Most pupils behave well.

Behaviour is best when work is well matched to pupils' needs and where staff have high expectations. Pupils who find it difficult to manage their behaviour are given the help that they need.

Pupils understand what bullying is.

They told us that bullying rarely happens. Pupils are confident that teachers will deal with it quickly if it ever happens and can talk to an adult if they are worried about anything.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The trust, headteacher and governors have quickly formed an effective partnership.

This has stabilised the school, following a turbulent time. Teachers enjoy working at this school and are proud of it. They feel the school is well led.

Parents are happy with leaders' improvements. The following are typical of parents' views: leaders have brought this school 'back from the brink'; and, 'The school is finally settled and flourishing.'

Leaders have taken action to improve the quality of education so that pupils' work across the curriculum is of a good standard.

They have thought about what they want pupils to learn through a carefully designed, creative curriculum. Leaders have developed a 'pupil learning experience' which links to the school values. This includes many opportunities they do not get in their day-to-day lives.

Pupils are excited about their learning. They remember important knowledge. They use this to explain their ideas and make links in their learning.

Some subjects, such as religious education (RE), are not as well developed as others. A few subject leaders are new to their roles and are still developing the range of skills and knowledge they need.

Leaders have invested in a considerable number of resources to develop pupils' reading.

Teachers have been well trained in how to make the best use of them.Pupils understand the importance of reading. They have access to interesting books from the school library, which they enjoy.

Children in the Reception class begin learning letters and sounds quickly. Phonics teaching is structured effectively. Most pupils can apply the skills they learn to their reading and writing.

Teachers know when pupils need extra help to keep up. They provide support quickly.

Teachers have good subject knowledge and use this well when they deliver the curriculum.

For example, in writing, lessons are sequenced well for pupils to build on skills they have already learned. Teachers are quick to see when pupils are less confident in their learning. For example, in mathematics, lessons are often changed so that girls can work collaboratively and share their ideas.

Working in this way has boosted their confidence.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) receive good support. They are fully included in all aspects of school life.

Staff know pupils' needs well. Pupils with SEND who have fallen behind catch up due to the good quality of education that they receive.

Pupils' personal development is enriched by many interesting activities and opportunities.

For example, learning how to stay safe and healthy, taking part in the many clubs the school offer and fundraising. Pupils are developing their understanding of the fundamental British values.

Children in early years achieve well.

They are safe and happy. The curriculum is based on the children's interests and is carefully thought through. Adults design lots of different indoor and outside activities which develop children's knowledge and skills well.

For example, the children quickly turned a piece of wood into a ramp for cars to travel down. This activity was extended by adding a tape measure, which helped the children practise number skills and develop the concept of measuring. Children follow routines, listen carefully and behave well.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff are vigilant and well trained. Adults know the pupils well and are quick to identify and report any signs that may suggest a pupil is at risk of harm.

Staff know the procedure for recording and monitoring concerns and use it appropriately. The safeguarding team is quick to follow up concerns and take appropriate action. The team works closely with the relevant agencies.

Governors monitor leaders' actions to be certain that the correct checks are made on everyone who works in the school, and that school safeguarding procedures are being applied robustly.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

The curriculum ensures that all pupils encounter a wide range of learning experiences. Some subject plans, such as those for RE, are not as well developed as others.

Leaders should continue to carefully monitor the impact of the curriculum to ensure that all subjects are well developed, so that pupils achieve well. . Some subject leaders are new to their role.

Senior leaders should ensure that new subject leaders are given the support that they need to develop the skills and knowledge to be highly effective in their roles. . Pupils are developing their understanding of fundamental British values.

They have learned, for example, about democracy, through voting for their school councillors. The focus on respect and tolerance in assembly has helped pupils to understand that 'everyone is different'. However, leaders need to provide further opportunities for pupils to deepen their understanding of fundamental British values.

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