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This is an outstanding school Leaders and governors have an unerring focus on providing excellent levels of provision, so pupils thrive and flourish in a safe environment, both personally and academically.
Leaders at all levels share the values that underpin the school's work. Staff are highly motivated and highly skilled. They exemplify the very best relationships between pupils and adults.
The school continues to develop and improve as a result. Senior and middle leaders search ceaselessly for the next steps in maintaining and improving the highest standards. As a consequence, the dynamic leadership responds astutely to the changing needs of pupils and the i...ncreasingly complex needs of the school population as a whole.
Governors check that key priorities are pursued vigorously by leaders. They plan and check carefully that additional funding is used effectively. Governors balance unwavering support with incisive challenge that successfully promotes outstanding outcomes for pupils.
Pupils across all key stages, including in the sixth form and early years, make sustained and substantial progress. Teachers make highly effective use of their deep and precise knowledge of pupils' needs to plan engaging and challenging learning tasks. Pupils develop confidence in their learning, and value their education.
Attendance is high. Pupils' first-class attitudes to learning contribute significantly to the progress they make. Pupils' behaviour is exemplary.
They show care and consideration for each other. Pupils enjoy their learning, including learning about other people and their different beliefs, lifestyles and backgrounds. They are well prepared for life in modern Britain.
Pupils learn effectively how to keep healthy, both physically and emotionally. Personalised packages of support, including a wide range of therapeutic interventions, are highly effective. Pupils understand how to keep themselves safe online.
They feel safe and very well cared for in school. Strong, highly effective leadership in both the sixth form and early years ensures that pupils develop personally and achieve very well.
Information about this school
The school meets requirements on the publication of specified information on its website.
Cleaswell Hill School provides education for pupils aged four to 18. All pupils have an education, health and care plan or a statement of special educational needs. Pupils come from Northumberland and from other neighbouring local authorities.
The school caters for an increasingly complex range of learning needs, including autistic spectrum disorder, speech and language difficulties and social, emotional and mental health difficulties. A small proportion of pupils have additional physical disabilities. A higher-than-average proportion of pupils come from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Since the previous inspection, a new chair of governors has taken up post. The school does not make use of alternative provision. The school is supported by a school improvement partner appointed by the local authority.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.