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Clifton Green Primary School is a large school with a strong sense of community.
Leaders' values of 'Better never stops' are at the heart of everyday school life. Parents and carers are overwhelmingly supportive of this inclusive school. One parent said, 'My child loves coming to school because the support staff give is fabulous – my child skips to get to school'.
Pupils feel safe in school. They say bullying is rare. Inspectors found that, if pupils are worried, they know who to talk to.
Pupils trust adults to sort out any concerns.
The leadership of personal development, its provision and practice are exceptional. Leaders' focus on developing good ...character traits is consistently applied.
Pupils say they are treated fairly and equally. They respect each other, talk with kindness and compassion and are willing to try their best.
Teachers are ambitious for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
Pupils rise to the challenge. They are motivated and keen to do well. Strong support and well-planned extra help in the classroom mean that pupils do well.
Pupils with SEND, including children in the early years, access the same curriculum as their peers. Leaders identify pupils with SEND quickly. Well-trained staff support them.
Leaders work closely with a range of agencies to provide specialist support when required.
Teachers make sure that pupils experience a wide range of subjects. In most of these subjects, pupils develop a solid grasp of basic concepts.
However, in a small number of subjects, the curriculum is not sequenced appropriately to help pupils develop their understanding. Pupils do not always remember important knowledge that they need.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The headteacher and senior leaders are passionate advocates for the pupils.
They believe that pupils deserve to have the very best. As a result, the curriculum has been revised, focusing on the knowledge and vocabulary pupils need to understand and remember. Well-planned and relevant activities enhance pupils' understanding in most subjects.
For example, pupils' recent visit to the Houses of Parliament helped them to understand history, democracy and the rule of law.
Leaders are focused on providing high-quality teaching of reading, starting in the early years. All teachers and staff receive regular phonics training.
There are daily reading sessions which allow pupils to practise their letters and sounds. Teachers are quick to notice when children are not keeping up. Skilled staff provide extra support.
This approach continues throughout the school. There are well-chosen books that entice readers of all ages to develop a love of reading. Older pupils are keen to talk about the books they read, both in class and independently.
Pupils develop strong mathematical knowledge and have very positive attitudes to the subject. Teachers have re-designed the mathematics curriculum so that pupils have a range of opportunities to increase their knowledge and understanding, because they are given activities that challenge and engage them. For example, in a Year 3 class, pupils were able to successfully write statements using 'more than' and 'less than' when comparing fractions.
Leaders have designed an ambitious curriculum that builds upon what children learn in the early years. Here, they learn to develop strong skills that they can use with increasing independence. Children build knowledge in order.
Across the school, the broader curriculum engages pupils' enthusiasm. For example, pupils were looking at dorsal fins on a fish and labelling them on their pictures. Pupils with SEND are successfully included in all class activities.
In a few subjects, leaders have not identified the important knowledge that pupils need to know to understand and remember important information about the subject. The curriculum is not sequenced. As such, in some subjects, pupils' learning does not build on their prior knowledge.
Pupils are not as confident in recalling information as they are in other areas of the curriculum.
Pupils are polite and respectful. They work hard in their lessons.
At breaktime and lunchtime, pupils take part in a wide range of activities. They wait patiently for their turn if equipment is already being used by others.
Governance is strong.
New governors have a good understanding of the school's strengths and areas to develop. They monitor safeguarding regularly and are frequent visitors to school.
Attendance for a number of pupils across the school is too low.
While there are robust systems in place and a clear strategy to track pupils, these have not had a significant impact on improving attendance. As a result, pupils are missing the quality learning and experiences the school offers.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
The school maintains robust systems for recruiting staff and governors. All staff are well trained to identify and report any safeguarding concerns. Teachers keep a careful eye on things to spot signs of concern.
They know to report these swiftly to the designated safeguarding leader. Pupils say that they feel safe in school and their parents share this view.
Pupils trust the adults in school to keep them safe.
The curriculum ensures that pupils know what to do if they are worried. They are taught about the risks of being online and how to keep themselves safe in their community.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• In a few subjects, pupils struggle to recall and apply what they have learned previously.
This is because the curriculum is not appropriately sequenced and the knowledge and skills pupils should know and do are less clear. This means that pupils do not make as much progress as they could. Leaders need to ensure that they plan and sequence learning which will support pupils to strengthen their application of knowledge and skills.
• Attendance is too low and persistent absence is too high. Robust systems have been in place since September 2021 which are making some progress to improve attendance. Leaders now need to raise expectations of good attendance for all and look to intervene as soon as attendance falls.