Clifton Primary School

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About Clifton Primary School

Name Clifton Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Co Headteacher Mrs Lori Greenglass and Miss Laura Corrigan
Address Clifton Road, Southall, UB2 5QP
Phone Number 02085745712
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 457
Local Authority Ealing
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are kept safe in this welcoming school community.

Every pupil has the opportunity to thrive here. Leaders and staff share a vision that puts the pupils at the forefront of everything they do. The school's values of respect, determination, care and unity are constantly modelled by pupils and adults.

Pupils excel in their learning. This is because the school has high academic ambitions for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Pupils are rightly very proud of the work that they produce in different subjects.

They are exceptionally well prepared for the next stage of their education.

Pupils' behavi...our is exemplary. They listen attentively, are highly motivated and show respect and kindness to adults and each other.

This begins in early years, where children are quick to learn and follow daily routines. They adopt a mindset where they see challenges or setbacks as opportunities for improvement.

The school promotes responsibility and independence in pupils, starting from early years.

For example, the Year 2 pupil lunch leaders serve the salads for children in Reception. Leaders ensure that pupils have opportunities to contribute to the wider life of the school. For example, 'well-being buddies' model positive behaviour to younger children, promoting social skills and teamwork.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has designed a highly ambitious curriculum for all pupils, including pupils with SEND. Leaders have thoughtfully selected the concepts, vocabulary and skills that pupils need to learn. Pupils develop detailed knowledge across the curriculum, which they recall with ease.

What pupils are taught is sequenced effectively from early years onwards to allow pupils to build their learning cumulatively. For example, in mathematics, children in Reception learn about how numbers work, building a deep understanding of numbers to 10. Older pupils use this growing knowledge of number to solve increasingly complex problems.

Similarly, in physical education, younger pupils learn how to throw and catch a ball, while older pupils practise this skill in order to increase their accuracy and speed.

High-quality training ensures that staff build subject expertise and present knowledge clearly. Teachers check pupils' understanding carefully.

Any errors or misconceptions are routinely identified and corrected. They make sure that pupils' subject-specific understanding is developed deeply. Leaders have a rigorous oversight of all subjects.

The school encourages a love of reading across all year groups. Staff are well trained in the agreed phonics programme, teaching and modelling sounds with precision. Regular assessment allows staff to identify and address any gaps in pupils' phonics knowledge.

Books are carefully matched to the sounds that pupils are learning. This helps to ensure that pupils decode and read fluently. Leaders select ambitious texts to ensure that each year group is exposed to a broad and rich range of literature.

Pupils with SEND are swiftly identified. Regular training is provided for staff on how to help these pupils to access the ambitious curriculum. Pupils receive appropriately personalised support, including through high-quality interactions with staff.

Pupils with SEND are fully included in the life of the school.

Pupils behave exceptionally well around the school. This is because expectations are clear and are consistently applied by staff.

The school has carefully planned playtimes. Pupils use these times to engage sensibly with a range of different activities. From early years, children learn to show a focused attitude to their learning.

They follow routines and instructions. Staff help children to grow in confidence and independence so that they are ready for Year 1. Attendance is a high priority for the school.

Leaders work effectively with parents to promote good attendance. They are tenacious with their analysis of the causes of absence, which means the school's actions are sharply focused on securing positive outcomes for pupils.

The school weaves their personal development offer through all aspects of the curriculum.

Leaders are relentless in their endeavour to develop pupils into responsible citizens of the world. Pupils have an excellent understanding of equality and diversity. There is a whole-school approach to ensuring that pupils learn the skills they need to be resilient, with the aim that these skills are transferrable for life.

Pupils attend many clubs, such as for sports, drama, yoga and ballet. There is a wide offer of pupil responsibilities, for example 'Clifton councillors', medical leaders and 'Desmond leaders', who are responsible for looking after the school dog. Embedded within the curriculum are purposeful educational outings, visits and workshops that enrich pupils' education further.

Leaders, including governors, are extremely aspirational for all pupils. They are reflective and aim to keep improving the work they do. Staff are overwhelmingly positive about working here.

They said that leaders are caring and approachable. Parents are very positive about the school and the education that their children receive.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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