Clore Shalom School

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About Clore Shalom School

Name Clore Shalom School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Gemma Blaker
Address Hugo Gryn Way, Shenley, WD7 9BL
Phone Number 01923855631
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Jewish
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 198
Local Authority Hertfordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Leaders have fostered a strong sense of community that makes the school both welcoming and caring. Pupils love their school.

They work hard and enjoy their lessons. As one pupil told me, 'This is just a great school.'

Each pupil is valued as an individual.

Pupils are very well supported by staff to build their confidence and independence. Pupils feel that adults listen to their views. Pupils are encouraged to think about their place in the world and their responsibilities for each other through events such as 'Big Question' assemblies.

Pupils behave well. They are well mannered and polite. Pupils are safe at school.

They consider that is rare. Pupils know that adults will help them if they had any concerns. Pupils are keen to help and support one another, for example by acting as 'buddies' for other year groups.

Parents and carers recognise the rapid improvements that have been made by leaders. They praise staff for their commitment as well as the strong leadership provided by the headteacher. As one parent commented, 'Looking forward to see Clore soar'.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have worked tirelessly to make Clore Shalom a better school. The school's motto 'Engage, Inspire, Achieve' underpins the high expectations leaders have of staff and pupils. The headteacher's strong leadership has brought about significant improvements in the quality of education.

She has created a cohesive team where staff share her high expectations for pupils' achievements. Leaders know the school well. They use this knowledge effectively to provide training and support for all the staff.

Consequently, teaching is now stronger across the school.

Leaders have created an ambitious curriculum that helps all pupils to achieve well. It offers a wide range of subjects for pupils to study.

Teachers receive guidance about what they should be teaching and in what order. They plan activities that help pupils to link their knowledge between different subjects. For example, where a class topic was about space, pupils also found out more about the earth, which aided their knowledge in geography.

The plans for some subjects, such as art and design and technology, have only been introduced recently. Not all teachers are confident in delivering these aspects of the curriculum.

Leaders place a high priority on reading.

From the start of their education, children share and read books. All staff are well trained in the teaching of phonics. Pupils read books that match the sounds they are learning.

As a result, pupils become confident and fluent readers. Well-planned reading lessons continue to develop the skills of older pupils. Teachers entice pupils into reading through attractive book areas in their classrooms.

Pupils read a range of authors and texts. As one pupil commented to us, 'You have just got to love books here.' Pupils are proud of their work.

They willingly share what they have learned by referring to their books. They are keen to do their best and present their work well. In mathematics, teachers do not always check that diagrams and graphs are precise.

This means that pupils sometimes make mistakes in their drawings that go unnoticed by teachers.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are well supported. They are encouraged to develop their independence.

Teachers skilfully adapt their plans to meet pupils' needs. This is helping pupils to succeed in their learning.

Nursery and Reception children settle well in the school.

The environment is thoughtfully organised to promote children's curiosity, imagination and creativity. They work confidently and sustain high levels of concentration. For example, a group of children worked independently to mix different ingredients to make salt dough for the bakery.

Children are well prepared for Year 1 by the time they leave Reception.

Pupils undertake different responsibilities. They apply for roles in the school, which gives them an insight into the world of work.

Pupils show a keen interest in current affairs. They debate issues and learn about the importance of free speech. Ideas of democracy are developed through an active school council.

Pupils are well prepared for life in modern Britain.

Governors work closely with leaders to drive up standards. They share leaders' vision for providing a strong quality of education.

Staff know that leaders care about their workload. Staff told us that every leaders' door is open. They listen to any concerns staff may have and consider their opinions before they make decisions.

Staff are proud to work at the school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

There are strong systems in place to ensure that pupils are kept safe.

Leaders provide staff with regular safeguarding training and check that they remember the things they have been told. Staff understand that pupils' welfare is everybody's responsibility. They know when and how to report any concerns they have.

Leaders respond swiftly to address any concerns raised by staff. They liaise with other agencies to support vulnerable pupils and their families.

Governors are thorough in checking leaders' arrangements for keeping pupils safe.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

Some foundation subjects are still in their early stages of implementation. Leaders have ensured that for every subject, the content is well chosen and in a logical sequence. They have provided teachers with training and support with planning.

However, not all teachers have sufficient depth of knowledge and confidence where subjects have not been fully embedded in the curriculum. Leaders must ensure that teachers understand how to use all the planned curriculum so that effective use is made of pupils' prior knowledge and pupils ae challenged to think deeply about their learning. .

Not all teachers insist that pupils present their mathematical work with accuracy and precision. This leads to pupils' misconceptions and mistakes in their mathematical representation and thinking. Leaders should ensure that teachers understand the expectations for accurate working and address errors in pupils' mathematical working.

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