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Pupils at the Co-op Academy Nightingale embody the four 'Ways of Being Co-op'. Pupils know the four values and talk about them. Pupils are proud of their diverse academy community.
They show respect for the many ethnicities, religions and languages spoken. Pupils from each year group are 'young interpreters'. They support new pupils to understand the academy routines using their preferred language.
This helps to prevent new pupils from feeling isolated.
Pupils have strong views about the importance of equality. They feel everyone is treated equally at the academy.
Leaders have ambition for all pupils to access high-quality education. Pupils with spec...ial educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and pupils who speak English as an additional language have intensive support to ensure that they can access the curriculum.
Behaviour in most lessons is calm and well managed.
Pupils follow the academy's behaviour policy. They know what the different traffic light colours mean and the consequences for being on the red light. Adults manage behaviour well during playtime when pupils can be more energetic.
Pupils know what bullying is. They will tell a teacher they trust to help them sort it out if it happens.
Pupils have linked with members of the community to form an eco-club.
Together, they created a garden in the academy grounds that is used for outdoor learning.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have designed a curriculum that reflects their diverse academy population. Curriculum thinking starts in early years and builds through to Year 6.
The curriculum is based on projects. The projects include the history, geography, art, design and technology and music curriculums. Other subjects are taught discretely.
Senior leaders have planned all the curriculum areas and have now selected members of staff to be the curriculum leaders. These curriculum leaders are new to the role of leading, developing and monitoring a subject.
Leaders use pupil voice 'learning parties' to select pupils to talk about the project they are doing.
These parties review the whole project rather than individual curriculum areas. This does not provide sufficient information for leaders to assess if pupils are recalling the important knowledge that leaders have identified they must remember over time.
Teachers use a scheme to teach phonics.
The structure and routine of the programme enables pupils to learn phonics with confidence. There is consistency in the language staff use. Leaders check on what pupils know every half term using the programme's assessment system.
They use the results to organise the phonics groups and to identify pupils who need extra phonics to catch up. These pupils receive personalised support from staff. Pupils joining the academy who speak English as an additional language are assessed and have intensive support to learn phonics.
Leaders carefully consider the books teachers read to their class. They ensure that there is a range of fiction and non-fiction to promote a love of reading and broaden pupils' knowledge and vocabulary across subjects.
The early years curriculum is ambitious and designed to build on children's starting points.
Children with SEND are supported within the provision, playing alongside other children while having their specific needs met. Parents and carers of children with SEND feel supported by the academy. One parent said, 'I feel like I have a voice, and that I'm really listened to'.
Leaders have identified communication and language as a priority within the setting. Teachers model vocabulary and use rhymes, stories and songs to develop language. Relationships are strong and staff know the children well.
Leaders, including the attendance officer, have procedures in place to follow up pupil absence. They complete home visits to ensure the safety of pupils. They are relentless in addressing persistent absence.
The officer supports families and pupils to attend the academy. For example, they provide academy uniform or access to breakfast club to remove attendance barriers.
Leaders have a comprehensive curriculum to teach personal, social and health education (PSHE) and relationships and sex education.
Leaders consulted with parents and shared with them the policy and the scheme. This helps parents understand what staff are teaching and why it is so important.
High levels of pastoral help are available to pupils.
Leaders identify vulnerable pupils and map out support for them. For example, pupils receive support for their mental health, anxiety and friendships. Teachers use mindfulness at the start of PSHE lessons.
Pupils focus on their breathing while listening to a chime. Pupils recognise that this technique calms them down so that they are ready to learn.
The academy governing committee members are knowledgeable about the academy.
They understand the rationale and vision behind the academy's curriculum. This means that they can challenge and hold leaders to account. Governors ensure that they keep up to date with their own training so that they fulfil their role effectively.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Staff receive weekly safeguarding updates. Leaders use pupil voice learning parties to identify what is worrying pupils.
Leaders ensure that the staff training schedule addresses how they can support the pupils' concerns.
Leaders have identified knife crime as a specific risk to the pupils in the locality. As a result, they have ensured that pupils in Years 5 and 6 have had bespoke lessons and assemblies on gang culture and weapon awareness.
Pupils know to tell a trusted adult if they have a problem. Records of racism, homophobic and bullying cases are detailed.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• Some curriculum leaders are new to subject leadership and need support and training to develop their expertise.
They are in the early stages of understanding the responsibilities connected to developing a curriculum area. Training will help to ensure that they understand the strengths and areas for development in their area of curriculum responsibility. ? Leaders have not implemented an assessment system for the wider curriculum.
Leaders use pupil voice learning parties to gather information about the current project. This does not give specific pupil progress information for each curriculum area. Leaders should ensure that they develop an assessment system to help inform future curriculum thinking.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.