Cockburn John Charles Academy

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About Cockburn John Charles Academy

Name Cockburn John Charles Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Mrs Siobhan Roberts
Address Old Run Road, Leeds, LS10 2JU
Phone Number 01134872800
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 11-16
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1208
Local Authority Leeds
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

The school has improved hugely since leaders took over.

Leaders and staff ensure all pupils are valued. Pupils from many different backgrounds and cultures attend the school. Leaders and staff encourage pupils to have pride in their local community.

Staff help pupils to explore career opportunities locally and further afield. Leaders provide pupils with an exciting range of extra-curricular experiences, including over fifty extra-curricular clubs. Some pupils gain valuable work experience via links with local and national software developers.

Pupils benefit from access to high-quality sporting facilities.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or ...disabilities (SEND) and those who speak English as an additional language (EAL) are supported effectively. Staff are ambitious for pupils to do well.

However, some pupils cannot access the most challenging courses that would best prepare them for their next steps in education, employment or training. Such courses are not currently offered at the school.

Leaders have raised standards.

Staff have high expectations of pupils' behaviour. Pupils behave well in lessons. Most pupils are keen to learn.

Bullying happens occasionally. Most of the time, pupils report their concerns to staff. Incidents are resolved quickly.

Incidents of prejudiced behaviour have reduced significantly over time.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The curriculum offer overall is strong. In each subject, the curriculum is designed to help pupils learn and remember.

Pupils with SEND access the same curriculum as their peers. Teachers meet weekly within departments to discuss next week's lessons. This helps them to know exactly what pupils need to learn.

Some subjects, such as creative media production and sports studies, are compulsory for every pupil. These subjects have been carefully chosen to prepare pupils well for local career opportunities in Leeds. However, they do not provide the most ambitious knowledge or skills in order to prepare all pupils, especially the most-able pupils, for their next steps.

The English Baccalaureate (EBacc) is a group of subjects that provide pupils with a wide range of knowledge and skills. This ensures that pupils have many options for further study when they leave school. It includes English, mathematics, science, history and/or geography and a modern foreign language.

Leaders provide the opportunity for all pupils to follow the EBacc if they want to. However, it is not promoted consistently to all pupils.

Support for learners with EAL and SEND is strong.

Staff are extremely knowledgeable about pupils' individual needs. They provide highly personalised support. Leaders make sure that teachers have the information and training to be able to teach all pupils with SEND effectively.

Assessment is well planned. Staff use a range of strategies to identify pupils' misconceptions quickly. Staff provide pupils with opportunities to improve their work, which helps them to learn.

Leaders and staff do all that they can to develop pupils' reading. Pupils at the early stages of learning to read are given highly effective support. Leaders insist that all pupils read regularly.

Pupils read challenging texts within subjects. As a result of leaders' actions, pupils develop confidence and fluency when reading. This increases pupils' enjoyment of reading.

Leaders have developed an exemplary personal, social and health education curriculum. It is meticulously planned and sequenced so that all pupils have the knowledge they need to stay safe, including online. The curriculum, which is supported by a highly successful assembly programme, prepares all pupils for life in modern Britain.

Staff have a detailed understanding of local risks to pupils, such as radicalisation.

Leaders' approach to developing pupils' character is excellent. Leaders take every opportunity to reinforce their values and high expectations.

Social, moral, spiritual and cultural understanding is carefully embedded within subjects. Leaders create further opportunities for pupils to develop responsibility. For example, members of the school council take pride in representing their peers.

Leaders have listened to the council and implemented changes. For example, they have updated the school PE kit.

Trustees and senior leaders schedule regular and highly effective training for staff.

Leaders are tenacious in taking every opportunity to support staff to become even more effective in their role. Leaders carefully consider educational research in learning and behaviour to make sure their work has impact on pupils.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

There is a strong culture of safeguarding throughout the school. Leaders work hard to encourage pupils to report any concerns. There is an online portal where pupils can raise worries that they have.

Pupils can and do talk directly to staff, particularly the heads of year, when they need support. Leaders respond quickly and very effectively to all concerns, however big or small. They use a range of strategies to support pupils.

These are tailored to the needs of each pupil. Leaders make timely referrals to other agencies where necessary. They keep detailed records of safeguarding cases.

Recruitment checks are carried out on new staff joining the school.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority) ? The school provides a strong curriculum offer overall. Nevertheless, there are some missed opportunities to be even more ambitious.

Some pupils cannot access the most challenging academic courses that they are capable of taking in order to maximise their preparations for their next steps in education, training or employment. Leaders should reflect on how aspirational the curriculum is for all pupils, including the highest performing pupils. ? Staff manage pupils' behaviour effectively.

Most pupils understand the rules and protocols and comply with them. However, there is more work to do before behaviour can be regarded as exemplary. For example, when pupils are not strictly supervised their conduct can deteriorate.

Some pupils do not consistently show high levels of respect for others and do not demonstrate high levels of self-control. Incidents of prejudiced behaviour need to reduce further. Leaders should take the necessary steps to ensure pupils epitomise the highest standards of behaviour.

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