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Pupils enjoy learning at this small village school. It provides a safe and happy environment. Leaders and other school staff have high expectations of pupils.
Staff work hard to support all pupils so that they flourish and learn well.The school is an inclusive and tolerant community. Pupils are usually very kind to each other.
Staff deal with unkind behaviour or bullying quickly. Pupils enjoy supporting and challenging each other to do well.The school motto of 'spur one another on towards love and good deeds' underpins the daily life of the school.
A rich mix of out-of-lesson activities helps pupils to grow greatly in confidence and nurtures individual talent...s and interests. Staff identify and support any children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) well.A strong team spirit among staff and a caring ethos means that each pupil gets the help they need in this school.
Many pupils join the school at different stages of their primary education. A few pupils find it hard to settle when they join the school. Staff give these pupils extra attention to help them settle quickly.
The school's attractive learning environment helps to foster a love of learning. In the early years, children learn particularly well. Parents are very happy with the school.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have built an ambitious, inspiring and interesting curriculum. Subject leaders have identified what pupils should learn and by when. All teachers are suitably well skilled in helping pupils learn the national curriculum subjects.
Pupils recall and practise their prior learning often. Staff check what pupils remember in an organised way. They give extra help to pupils if they struggle.
Key knowledge and vocabulary are identified for all subjects. However, some pupils at key stage 2 produce written work that lacks precision.Early reading is taught well, including in the early years.
Anyone who falls behind is helped to catch up. The phrase 'today a reader, tomorrow a leader' is displayed around the school. This reflects the great importance placed by the school on reading.
Leaders have worked hard with staff to improve mathematics teaching. Pupils learn mathematics well. Some Year 6 pupils did not achieve well in last year's key stage 2 tests.
This was because they joined the school just before the tests and brought large gaps in mathematical knowledge with them.The school works tirelessly to broaden pupils' horizons. It provides memorable experiences for pupils.
Leaders are restless in their search to support pupils' personal development. Opportunities for enrichment are carefully planned and inclusive. Pupils are enthusiastic leaders and help to organise events and run lunchtime art and social clubs.
Staff make sure that all pupils have access to trips and activities.Social, moral, cultural and spiritual development threads through the life of the school. It promotes British values such as tolerance and respect very well.
Collective worship, community events, and literature and art from different cultures give pupils a strong sense of self and of the identity of others. Pupils support local and international charities, which helps to broaden their outlook. Pupils grow in self-belief during their time at the school regardless of their background.
Pupils and parents are rightly very positive about the way the school supports pupils' personal development.Children in the early years get off to an excellent start. Staff teach and support happy children in a calm and purposeful learning environment.
Children enjoy taking part in carefully organised routines. They thrive because of the high expectations staff place on them. Staff know all the children very well.
The curriculum is ambitious. It prepares children very well for learning in Year 1. Children learn phonics from the start.
They learn mathematics using imaginative resources. Staff model high standards of language use when asking children questions. This fosters ambition and encourages reasoning.
Staff make sure that all parents get involved in their child's education from the outset. Outdoor provision for children is exemplary. It supports physical, social and emotional development very well.
Leaders are ambitious for all pupils. They are making rapid progress in areas where outcomes need attention. Leaders make sure that staff training supports professional development.
Subject leadership is very strong. Staff appreciate the effort made by leaders to support their well-being. Relationships with parents and outside agencies are positive.
The federated governing board has wide expertise. It holds leaders to account well. It uses information about school performance to provide timely support and challenge.
Statutory duties are met.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
A thorough programme of training for staff ensures that any safeguarding concerns are identified quickly.
Staff are vigilant, and this helps to keep children safe. Staff teach pupils how to keep themselves safe. Pupils learn about risks to themselves, including when they use the internet.
Pupils know who to speak to if they have any concerns.Leaders make careful checks when appointing any new staff. All safeguarding records are detailed and accurate.
Regular reviews of safeguarding help leaders to identify any areas to improve. Any findings are acted on quickly. Effective liaison with other agencies helps to make sure that all pupils get any help they need.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• Some older pupils do not always produce their best written work. At times, their writing lacks precision. Leaders should make sure that staff check standards of written work carefully so that pupils' writing reflects the quality of their learning.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.