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At Cofton Primary School, pupils enjoy learning in a safe and friendly environment. 'Happy and successful' is the school motto. Pupils know that teachers want them to do well.
Teachers and other adults pay attention to pupils' safety and well-being.
Pupils learn a wide range of subjects. They say that teachers make lessons fun and interesting.
Teachers encourage pupils of all ages to read every day and to continue to learn after school. Over the past few years, an increasing number of pupils have been successful in national tests at the end of Year 6.
Pupils visit museums, castles and other places of interest as part of their curriculum.
The... school also offers many extra-curricular activities. Pupils can do a range of sports, learn the keyboard, play chess or learn sign language after school.
Pupils behave well in lessons and around the school.
They get on well with each other and show respect to adults. Pupils told us that it is not OK to bully people for being different; it is about accepting every individual. Bullying is rare and not tolerated.
Staff deal with it swiftly when it happens.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have revised the curriculum. They want pupils to learn all subjects in more depth.
They also want pupils to be better prepared for secondary school and for their future life. Personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE) is the subject at the centre of the new curriculum. For example, when pupils learn history or design and technology, teachers make links to PSHE to make learning relevant to pupils.
This is the way leaders want pupils to become more responsible as well as more knowledgeable.
In the new curriculum, teachers plan lessons to help pupils better remember what they learn. Teachers plan for pupils to use previous knowledge to progress through new topics.
In geography, for example, teachers may refer to books that pupils read in English lessons to introduce a new topic. Work in pupils' books show that this method is effective.
Pupils enjoy the activities they do in lessons.
They work well together. Relationships between staff and pupils are harmonious.
Leaders and teachers are still finalising the implementation of the new curriculum.
They need to embed the new systems they use to check pupils' progress across all subjects. Teachers are still working on the development of a few subjects. Newly appointed subject leaders need to develop in their roles to have a sustained impact.
Leaders want all pupils who join the school to become fluent readers as early as possible. Children who find learning to read difficult when they start in the Reception year receive a lot of support. Most pupils meet the national standard in phonics by the end of Year 1.
Pupils who need it continue to have effective support to improve their reading skills up to the end of Year 6.
Staff are well trained to support pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Support staff work well with teachers to make sure that all pupils make progress.
Leaders and teachers check that pupils with SEND learn and develop well. They make sure that support is available when they are at risk of falling behind. Pupils with SEND enjoy the full range of opportunities that the school offers.
Leaders organise activities to develop pupils' social skills, moral sense and cultural awareness. Assemblies, exchanges with another school, and themed days encourage pupils to be responsible. They also make them more aware of the society in which they are growing up.
The early years leaders and staff provide children with a positive start to their education. Staff get to know the children well. They assess children's abilities when they join the Reception year and they work well with parents.
Staff are caring and vigilant. They organise fun activities for children to support their physical and intellectual development. Children make good progress in the Reception year.
By the end of the year, they are ready to start in Year 1. The indoor area is welcoming, with well organised activities. The outdoor area needs updating.
Leaders know the school and the community it serves well. They set clear priorities to improve the quality of education. They make sure that parents are well informed about their children's progress and well-being.
The school engages well with the local community and makes parents feel welcome.
Governors are dynamic and knowledgeable. They fulfil their role efficiently and work well with leaders.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Staff receive regular safeguarding training. They know the school's safeguarding policy well and are confident applying it.
Leaders and governors review the policy and its effectiveness every year. Leaders follow up issues affecting pupils' safety and well-being with rigour and determination. They work well with families and external agencies when required.
Pupils are taught about safety. As part of the curriculum, they learn how to keep safe in their everyday life, especially when using the internet and social media. Leaders organise activities and talks by visiting speakers to alert pupils to risks that are specific to the local area.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
A few subjects are not yet sufficiently coherently planned and sequenced. However, leaders are taking effective action to secure appropriate coherence and sequencing across the curriculum by the end of this academic year. They have clear plans in place to finalise the implementation of the curriculum and to continue to train staff to deliver it.
They are also developing effective and manageable assessment procedures for the foundation subjects. . The leadership of most of the foundation subjects is new to the school.
The new subject leaders are yet to grow into their roles and raise the profile of curriculum leadership. Senior leaders should continue to support them to develop both their subject expertise and their leadership skills. .
There is a sharp contrast between the quality of the early years indoor and outdoor areas. The outdoor area needs updating and better resourcing. This will enable children to learn as well in the outside environment as they do in the classroom.