Coleridge Primary School

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About Coleridge Primary School

Name Coleridge Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Leon Choueke
Address Crouch End Hill, Hornsey, London, N8 8DN
Phone Number 02083403173
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 870
Local Authority Haringey
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is an outstanding school. Leaders are continuously searching for ways to improve the school. They are not complacent about its successes and strive to maintain the highest quality of teaching and provision for all pupils.

Improving teaching and learning is at the forefront of the work of leaders at all levels. The school has a tradition of training and developing its teachers and leaders very successfully. This has led to stable staffing as the school has expanded.

Governors work closely with school leaders to maintain the highest possible standards. Their questions are thoughtful and incisive. This reflects a common understanding of the school's qualitie...s and ambitions for its future.

Consistently challenging teaching is a major factor in the pupils' rapid learning of new skills. Pupils make rapid and sustained progress across the school. Their attainment in reading, writing and mathematics is high by the end of Year 6.

Children greatly enjoy their experiences in the early years. Their progress is rapid because of the high quality teaching that focuses sharply on their needs in a stimulating and exciting environment. The curriculum is creatively planned, vibrant and exciting.

Art is a major strength as seen in displays of the pupils' work throughout the school. Pupils and staff live the school's values in all that they do. This underscores the promotion of all aspects of the pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development as well as helping them to have a very clear understanding of their place in modern Britain.

The pupils' behaviour in lessons and at other times is exemplary. Both sites exude a very harmonious and calm atmosphere at all times. Pupils demonstrate a genuine desire and visible enthusiasm for learning.

Their learning benefits considerably from their attentiveness and their thoughtful responses to questions. Pupils feel very happy, safe and secure in school. They know all staff have their well-being as the highest priority.

School leaders and governors carefully check the school's performance and use the information gathered to plan annually for its improvement.

Information about this school

This school is very large compared with other primary schools. It has grown considerably since its last inspection and now has four forms of entry.

It operates on two sites. The proportion of pupils from a wide range of minority ethnic backgrounds is above average. The proportion of pupils speaking English as an additional language is average.

The proportion of disadvantaged pupils eligible for funding through the pupil premium is below average. This is additional government funding which, in this school, supports pupils who are known to be eligible for free school meals. The proportion of disabled pupils and those who have special educational needs is broadly average.

The Nursery caters for 77 children on a part-time basis. Children attend the four Reception classes full time. The headteacher was appointed in September 2014 following the retirement of the long-serving previous headteacher.

The school hosts privately-run breakfast and after-school clubs. These are inspected separately. The school meets the government's current floor standards, which set the minimum expectations for pupils' attainment and progress.

Also at this postcode
Fair Play Coleridge East Hall The Strings Club - Muswell Hill (Coleridge Primary)

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