Colmore Infant and Nursery School

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About Colmore Infant and Nursery School

Name Colmore Infant and Nursery School
Ofsted Inspections
Executive Headteacher Mrs Tracy Lakey
Address Colmore Road, Kings Heath, Birmingham, B14 6AJ
Phone Number 01214642820
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-7
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 412
Local Authority Birmingham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Being 'ACE' sits at the heart of every pupil's experience at this school. Even before a child's first day, the school welcomes them to the Colmore family.

In early years, the school places children's interests and identities at the centre of the curriculum. Staff skilfully engage children in learning. This all helps to ensure that children get an exceptional start to their education.

This high-quality education continues through key stage 1, where pupils build on what they know. Consequently, pupils achieve very well.

The school has high expectations for pupils' learning and behaviour.

There is a clear emphasis on the right to learn and the right to ...feel safe. Children and pupils across the school know these rights and actively promote them. They support each other in their learning and play, showing kindness and high levels of respect.

Pupils have a range of high-quality experiences outside lessons, including a vast array of clubs. There are many opportunities to raise money for charity and visit local attractions. Pupils are proud of their 'Rights Rangers' roles.

They take this responsibility seriously and ensure that they keep their class informed of the important work they are doing.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school aims for everyone at Colmore to thrive. It firmly believes that this starts with individuals having a positive image of themselves and an ability to understand and regulate their emotions.

The whole team works together to make this happen for all children and pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Staff get to know all children and pupils well. Before children start at the school in early years, the school finds out as much as it can from parents and carers and external agencies to enable a smooth transition to school.

Staff also find out what children are amazing at, feel confident about and are expert in. They use this information to plan the curriculum carefully. Staff immediately use a range of characters to help children understand a wide range of emotions.

This supports children to settle quickly, express themselves and form strong relationships. Children with SEND have additional support to help them access the curriculum and make strong progress.

Leaders promote reading very well.

They ensure that as soon as children start school, they experience a wide range of stories and poems. Children take great delight in acting out familiar rhymes. This all helps to develop a love of reading.

Very quickly, children develop an awareness of sounds in their environment and in words. This prepares them for learning to read. Once children do start learning to read, they make swift progress.

This is because the school has a consistent and rigorous approach. Close tracking of what children can and cannot do enables staff to target the gaps in their knowledge at every opportunity. This consistent approach continues in key stage 1.

Pupils who need extra support to keep up have regular interventions. This is helping them to read with increased confidence and fluency.

Pupils love learning, particularly in mathematics.

The teaching of mathematics is highly structured. Staff use consistent language and modelling to support pupils' thinking. This enables pupils to develop a strong understanding of number and the importance of place value.

Pupils also have frequent opportunities to reason and problem-solve. In other areas of the curriculum, the school has set out precisely what it wants pupils to know and remember. This helps staff to focus on this important knowledge when teaching and supports pupils' learning well.

Pupils, for example, recall in detail the cause of the Great Fire of London and speak articulately about techniques used by different artists they have studied.

Pupils with a range of different SEND are very well catered for. The school ensures that there is rapid and robust identification of needs.

It plans support to meet pupils' specific needs and regularly reviews the impact this has. This regular reviewing ensures that provision changes as pupils' needs change. It also ensures that there is no limit to what pupils can achieve.

Parents appreciate how staff go above and beyond to meet the needs of their children.

In lessons and around school, children and pupils demonstrate their understanding of how the school expects them to behave. They are highly engaged during lessons and cooperate with each other.

The way in which the school helps pupils to develop their understanding of rights and to respect the rights of others is impressive.

The school places great emphasis on developing pupils' character and experience of the world around them. This includes a range of visits to places linked to the curriculum.

The school also provides high-quality opportunities beyond the curriculum. Workshops on illustration and going to allotment club are just two examples.

Leaders engage well with staff.

They are mindful of staff workload. Staff feel valued and are rightly proud to work at the school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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