Colville Primary School

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About Colville Primary School

Name Colville Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Jagdeep Birdi
Address Lonsdale Road, Portobello Road, London, W11 2DF
Phone Number 02072296540
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 0-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 468
Local Authority Kensington and Chelsea
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is an outstanding school Dedicated and visionary leaders have led and sustained improvements across the school. They create a culture of exceptionally high expectations that motivates and inspires pupils and staff. Leaders have strong moral purpose.

They are committed to providing a high standard of education and offering exceptional opportunities to all their pupils, regardless of ability or background. Pupils make excellent progress in a wide range of subjects, as a result of outstanding teaching. Leaders and teachers are highly aspirational for pupils' learning.

By the end of Year 6, pupils' progress in reading and mathematics is consistently well abov...e the national average. The promotion of social, moral, spiritual and cultural development is at the heart of the rich and varied curriculum. Pupils thrive at this school and develop into well-rounded individuals.

Disadvantaged pupils make very strong progress because of high-quality teaching and targeted support. However, leaders are ambitious for more disadvantaged pupils to achieve greater depth in their writing. Pupils are safe and well looked after in the nurturing school environment.

They speak highly of their teachers. Pupils are confident and curious learners who clearly want to do their best. Teachers and support staff deliver well-planned and interesting lessons.

Pupils rise to the high levels of challenge on offer. Teachers know their pupils well and make sure work is tailored to individual needs. Attainment throughout the school is exceptionally high.

At the end of key stages 1 and 2, pupils routinely achieve well above national averages in reading, writing and mathematics. The early years provision is outstanding. Members of staff have a secure understanding of how children learn.

They make sure that children make strong progress in all areas of learning. Children really enjoy the fun and purposeful activities. Pupils' behaviour is exemplary.

They are respectful and unfailingly polite. Attendance is high, and pupils enjoy coming to the school each day. Parents and carers are overwhelmingly positive about all aspects of the school.

Information about this school

Colville Primary School is a larger-than-average-sized primary school. The early years provision comprises three Reception classes and two Nursery classes. The headteacher took up post in January 2011.

The deputy headteacher was appointed shortly afterwards. The proportion of disadvantaged pupils is above the national average. The proportion of pupils with SEND is broadly in line with other schools.

The school operates wrap-around care before and after school for 3–11 year olds. The school is currently undergoing building work to extend the premises. This is due to be completed by December 2019.

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