Comberton Village College

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About Comberton Village College

Name Comberton Village College
Ofsted Inspections
Executive Principal Mr Peter Law
Address West Street, Comberton, Cambridge, CB23 7DU
Phone Number 01223262503
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1930
Local Authority Cambridgeshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils thrive at Comberton Village College. The school has very high expectations, both of how pupils should conduct themselves, and how much they can achieve. Pupils strive successfully to meet these expectations.

In line with the school's values, pupils become 'caring, confident and capable'. Staff are determined that everyone should succeed and have a voice in school. Pupils look out for each other, acting as 'upstanders' if peers need their support, for example.

Pupils behave and attend very well. They treat others with courtesy and respect. Pupils enjoy an exceptional range of opportunities to develop their interests.

There is a vast range of clubs, from... crochet to robotics and debating, as well as many trips. Well-chosen visitors fire pupils' enthusiasm for learning and teach them about social issues. Pupils learn a lot from different employers about the world of work.

They benefit from events such as work experience which some pupils complete overseas.

The school offers every pupil an ambitious and broad curriculum. The vast majority of pupils study at least one GCSE in a modern foreign language.

Staff leave no stone unturned to ensure that all pupils gain the knowledge they need. As a result, pupils consistently achieve very well.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Pupils here are not taught just to pass exams.

They acquire the skills and knowledge they need to be first-rate scientists, historians, and artists, among others. This includes pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

The school has designed its rigorous curriculum with care.

It has precisely identified the knowledge that pupils need to learn, and the order in which it should be taught. The curriculum contains regular opportunities for pupils to revisit prior learning. Teachers carefully check how well pupils have learned.

When necessary, they adjust how they teach the curriculum to close any gaps in knowledge and address any misconceptions. Pupils benefit from precise and detailed feedback that helps them improve their work. This ensures that pupils know more and remember more.

Staff have exceptionally strong subject knowledge. They use this to present new learning very clearly. Pupils then practise and apply this new knowledge in different situations and tasks.

Staff understand how pupils learn. They adapt the curriculum with real skill to ensure that all pupils gain the breadth and depth of knowledge that they need.

The school's inclusive ethos is embedded in all parts of the school's work.

Pupils with SEND flourish at school. Pupils in 'The Cabin' receive exceptional support and care, matched exactly to their needs. This helps these pupils follow the ambitious curriculum.

Consequently, pupils steadily build their self-confidence and resilience.

The school understands the importance of reading. Pupils read widely and often.

The school carefully checks how well pupils can read. When pupils need additional help with reading, well-trained staff deliver tailored support. As a result, these pupils catch up rapidly with their peers and access the curriculum well.

Students in the sixth form are hugely positive about the school. They are taught how to study and use their time effectively. Students follow an engaging and relevant 'enrichment' programme which they help design.

They learn how to do first aid and how to manage their finances. Students regularly contribute to the life of the school, for instance as learning and reading mentors for younger pupils. As a result, sixth-form students are equipped with the knowledge, qualifications and skills they need to prosper in their chosen next stages.

The school has very high, and clearly understood, expectations of behaviour. Pupils behave very well here and strive to be the best they can be. Interruptions to pupils' learning in lessons are rare.

If pupils need support to improve, staff work tirelessly with them to improve. Staff are determined that all pupils do as well as they can in school.

The school's personal development provision is exceptional.

The personal, social and health education (PSHE) curriculum teaches pupils about topics such as healthy relationships and looking after your well-being. The school works tirelessly to ensure that pupils fully understand the importance of equality and diversity. A raft of opportunities develops pupils' leadership skills.

For example, pupils can become prefects and run clubs and groups. This offer prepares pupils exceptionally well for adulthood.

Trustees and leaders constantly review how well the school is doing.

They look for ways to refine its work to improve still further. Trustees and leaders involve pupils, parents and carers and staff in this process. Staff are provided with regular professional development that helps develop their practice.

They are very well supported with their well-being and workload. Consequently, staff turnover is very low.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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