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They are unanimous that the interim headteacher has made the school a better place to be. They fully appreciate the changes that he has put in place, including opportunities to enter local competitions in sport. Pupils say that this has raised their confidence and their self-esteem.
Pupils are respectful and polite. They feel safe and learn to be responsible online both inside and outside of school. Pupils are well looked after.
They know that adults in school care about them and that there is always someone to talk to. Pupils told us that bullying is rare. If it does occur, adults are quick to sort out any issues.
S...taff expect pupils to work hard. They have high expectations for all pupils and pupils respond well to this. They enjoy their lessons, especially in science and mathematics.
Leaders and teachers are determined that every pupil receives the best possible education. They are aspirational for all. Recent changes that have been made reflect this in pupils' work across a range of subjects.
Leaders are determined to build on the current improvements in pupils' achievements that these changes have brought about.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have worked hard to improve the school's curriculum and it is well planned in most subjects. Pupils learn things in a logical order and revisit important concepts.
This helps them to remember and understand the most important information over time. Some subject leaders, who are new to their role, are well supported by senior leaders. Leaders are currently reviewing the geography and science curriculum.
This is starting to help pupils to build on their skills and knowledge in a logical order.
Leaders prioritise reading. All adults want pupils to enjoy a range of books.
Teachers often read to pupils. One of the pupils that we spoke to said, 'I love it when my teacher reads to us. They make it so interesting.'
Leaders have introduced effective teaching of phonics. They ensure that it is well matched to pupils' learning needs across the whole of early years and key stage 1. Teachers identify pupils who start to fall behind quickly.
They provide extra help so that pupils become confident and fluent readers.
Adults in the early years work closely with families before their children start school. This means that when children join in Reception, they settle quickly.
Children make good progress in all areas of learning. This is especially so in their communication and mathematical skills. The strong emphasis on personal development helps children to grow in confidence.
They make positive relationships with adults and class mates. Teachers use their knowledge of the children effectively to adapt their teaching. As a result, the needs of all children, including those who are disadvantaged, are met well.
Leaders make sure that adults understand the needs of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). The special educational needs coordinator (SENCo) is new to the role but is supported effectively by senior leaders. Leaders ensure that teachers plan work that is relevant to individual pupils.
This enables pupils to make good progress across a range of subjects.
Pupils' behaviour in lessons and at other times across the day is good. There is an atmosphere of mutual respect.
There is a wide range of opportunities for pupils' personal development. Elections for the school council and house captains help pupils to understand the principles of democracy. Pupils are respectful of cultures and religions different to their own.
They are adamant that everyone is welcome, regardless of their race, ability or religion.
Governors are keen to support the school. However, they do not have a detailed, accurate view of the school's strengths and weaknesses.
This prevents them from carrying out their roles well. It also means that they do not provide the necessary challenge to hold school leaders to account.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
There is a strong culture of safeguarding across the school. Staff understand the school's procedures for safeguarding and are vigilant. As a result, they are swift to act if they have any concerns.
Vulnerable pupils are well supported. The school engages effectively with a range of agencies to ensure that pupils are safe and to provide families with the support they need.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
Leaders have worked effectively to plan a coherent curriculum in some subjects.
However, the curriculum in geography and science is less well developed. Leaders should ensure that these subjects are planned more coherently so that pupils can learn more and remember more. .
Some leaders, including the SENCo and science leaders, are recently appointed and have less experience in their roles. Leaders need to ensure that these leaders continue to be supported effectively so that they can carry out their new roles well. .
Governors do not have an accurate understanding of the quality of education yet. As a result, they do not challenge leaders well enough. Governors need to be more effective at challenging leaders so that they hold leaders at all levels to account.