Convent of Jesus and Mary RC Infant School

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About Convent of Jesus and Mary RC Infant School

Name Convent of Jesus and Mary RC Infant School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Miss Elsa Fonseca
Address 21 Park Avenue, London, NW2 5AN
Phone Number 02084595890
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 3-7
Religious Character Roman Catholic
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 218
Local Authority Brent
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Nestled within a nurturing environment, pupils at Convent of Jesus and Mary Catholic Infant School thrive in an atmosphere of happiness and positivity. The school has high aspirations for all pupils from the moment that they arrive in Nursery.

Many lessons revolve around the school's gardens, and pupils become curious learners. Pupils talk confidently about what they are learning and take pride in all of their work. They achieve highly and are very well equipped for their next stage of education.

Pupils exhibit exemplary behaviour, underscoring the importance of fairness and respect. Guided by the school's vision, pupils engage attentively in lessons. They demonstrate... politeness and consideration in their interactions with peers and staff alike.

Pupils benefit from high-quality learning experiences throughout the school. In particular, pupils like the school's unique assets, such as its very own museum. This space encourages pupils to explore, among other things, the school's history.

Chrystal, the crested gecko, and other school animals help pupils to learn about the importance of caring for others.

Pupils are helped to develop their skills and talents by attending a wide range of extra-curricular clubs, including science, chess and sports. Pupils get the chance to benefit from additional music sessions, which enrich the curriculum.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has created a highly ambitious curriculum that aims to capture pupils' interests and excite them in their learning. The school identifies the most important knowledge that pupils need to know in each subject. Staff identify the needs of all pupils, particularly those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

The school makes excellent use of the school grounds to support pupils' learning throughout the year. This has created a curriculum that is connected in meaningful ways. As the seasons change, pupils observe and learn about nature and the world around them.

For example, they check how well their plants are growing from the bulbs they planted earlier in the year.

Reading is prioritised. Staff have received training to ensure that the phonics programme is delivered consistently well.

Pupils develop a very secure knowledge of the sounds that letters make. Beyond phonics, pupils' reading knowledge is further developed through, for example, dedicated reading time with adults. Staff read stories to pupils in the much-loved library area.

Times like this really captivate pupils' interests and imaginations. Staff also help to develop pupils' love of books and reading. Pupils were keen to talk about their favourite books and authors.

Staff address pupils' additional needs effectively, including those with SEND. Pupils with SEND benefit from the expert support offered by staff to learn successfully alongside their peers. Pupils progress very well through the curriculum and achieve high standards.

The school prioritises pupils' personal development. The curriculum emphasises opportunities for pupils to learn about staying healthy and safe, including online. Routines like the 'daily mile' and a wide range of engaging outdoor activities all contribute to supporting pupils' understanding of health and well-being.

Pupils have lots of opportunities to take part in performances. For example, during the inspection, children in the Nursery class shared their nativity performance with parents and carers. The proportion of pupils who take part in these many enrichment opportunities is high, including pupils with SEND.

The school has consistently high expectations of pupils' behaviour. Children in early years quickly settle into the school's routines. They listen attentively and are engaged in their learning.

Children are particularly keen to find out which activities they have been given. For example, they really like it when teachers attach an activity next to each child's 'Mini Me'. Teachers check regularly what pupils have learned through the curriculum.

Pupils are sensible as they move around the school, including at breaktimes. Pupils rates of attendance are high. Leaders engage with families positively and this helps everyone to work together effectively for the benefit of pupils' all-round learning and development.

Leaders and governors consider staff workload when they make decisions. Staff value the many opportunities that they have to work with each other and to develop their expertise.

Parents are overwhelmingly positive about the provision on offer and the support that they and their children receive.

Parents are particularly pleased with the home learning resources which staff provide. They feel that staff are really good at supporting pupils' well-being, including helping them to manage routines.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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