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Pupils are excited about coming to school. They enjoy learning in this calm and caring environment.
Children in the early years enthusiastically explore the activities that staff provide. Adults make learning fun and inviting. The school is highly dedicated to ensuring that all pupils receive the help and guidance they need to succeed.
Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) benefit from carefully targeted support. Pupils achieve extremely well.
The school teaches pupils important learning behaviours, including resilience, being resourceful and ready to learn.
This strongly contributes to pupils' exemplary conduct around the ...school. Playtimes are coordinated well and enable younger pupils to play with older pupils, including from the junior school. Relationships and interactions between pupils and staff are respectful and polite.
Pupils take their leadership roles and responsibilities seriously. These include being prefects, school councillors and rights respecting ambassadors. Pupils have a very strong understanding of the importance of valuing people's rights.
They know that ensuring equality and accepting differences are valuable life skills.
Parents and carers are overwhelmingly positive about the school. They are highly involved in the life of the school.
Many support staff by volunteering to hear pupils read and supervising swimming lessons.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school has reviewed the curriculum to ensure that it is well sequenced and ambitious. This supports teachers in knowing the specific-subject knowledge and skills pupils need to learn and develop.
This develops in complexity as pupils move through the years. For example, in mathematics, teachers deepen pupils' understanding of shapes. In Year 2, pupils use their knowledge of two- and three-dimensional shapes to solve problems in different contexts.
Teachers build in regular opportunities to check what pupils know and can do before starting new learning. As a result, pupils deepen and extend their understanding. Teachers support pupils consistently well to use vocabulary correctly when discussing their learning.
Staff are meticulous in identifying and supporting any pupils who need extra help, including in phonics, to keep up and catch up. Adults support pupils with SEND skilfully so that they access the same curriculum as their peers. Pupils with SEND achieve very well.
The school is committed to ensuring pupils 'build the skill and will' to learn to read fluently. Adults in Reception encourage children to talk about the key events in the stories they read to them. Pupils love reading in class and in the school library which is located at the centre of the school.
Well-trained adults deliver the phonics programme in a consistent way. Pupils love using books that match closely to the sounds they know. The school encourages parents and carers to be actively involved in learning how to support their children with reading, including through workshops.
The school communicates expectations of behaviour clearly. Staff manage pupils' behaviour consistently. Learning in lessons proceeds uninterrupted because pupils demonstrate high levels of interest and self-discipline.
Teachers prepare practical and fun learning experiences. Children in Reception learn to take turns and work collaboratively. Pupils are polite and courteous.
They are proud of their school. Pupils are keen to talk about their learning and do so confidently.
The school ensures that the provision for pupils' wider development is rich and broad.
Staff plan carefully for when pupils move from one phase and year group to another in the school. Pupils are very well prepared for the next stage of their education. The school promotes the development of pupils' character, including traits such as curiosity, enthusiasm and resilience.
Staff help pupils to respect and understand views that are different to their own. Pupils appreciate the many opportunities to pursue their individual interests and talents through the wide range of clubs, including Spanish, singing, books and films. Staff encourage pupils to understand that everyone has the right to achieve and be successful, irrespective of culture, gender or background.
Pupils achieve exceptionally well here.
The school has an accurate evaluation of its strengths. Staff are highly dedicated to the school's vision and values.
There is a strong culture in ensuring staff professional development, well-being and workload. The governing body maintains an effective oversight of the developments in the school and holds leaders to account robustly. They ensure changes are routinely in the best interest of the pupils.
Leaders are confident and knowledgeable. They provide strong direction for the school and its community.