Corpus Christi Catholic Primary Academy

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About Corpus Christi Catholic Primary Academy

Name Corpus Christi Catholic Primary Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Julie Wardle
Address Ashmore Avenue, Ashmore Park, Wolverhampton, WV11 2LT
Phone Number 01902866840
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Roman Catholic
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 206
Local Authority Wolverhampton
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

This school has been through a period of significant change in recent years and has worked hard to make improvements to the quality of education it provides. Throughout this time, leaders have remained determined to make this school the 'best it can be' for the pupils it serves.

As a result, pupils' achievements have improved and they can speak confidently about their learning.

Pupils know that they are well cared for. Many say that staff will always be there to help them when they experience difficulties.

Pupils feel the positive relationships they have with each other are because staff model them. Staff promote a culture of 'don't walk on by' when thinking ...about helping their pupils and families. Pupils feel safe and happy because of this.

Many pupils behave well and show positive attitudes to their learning. They demonstrate this by being ready for their lessons and by showing a willingness to answer questions about their learning.

All pupils know the importance of the 'CORPUS' values.

Many feel that communication and perseverance are the two most important things to show at school. Some say that these qualities help them when carrying out important leadership roles such as house captains, eco warriors and school council representatives.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

This school has faced many challenges over the last few years, but leaders have kept focused on improving teaching and learning.

They have been successful in doing so. The partnership between the school and the MAC has supported the considerable improvements in many aspects of school life. Leaders at all levels have worked effectively together to improve the quality of education pupils receive.

Pupils learn to read as soon as they arrive at this school. Most pupils read regularly and enjoy listening to stories from a carefully selected series of books. A new library and well-stocked reading areas make sure that pupils get to read books from a range of text-types and authors.

Staff are well trained to deliver reading, whether that be their phonics programme or interventions designed to help pupils keep up with their learning.

There has been ongoing work to develop the school's curriculum. Leaders at all levels have made sure that English, mathematics and science have well-designed learning sequences that make clear what they want pupils to know.

Many other subjects have been reviewed in the same way, with changes made to improve what pupils learn. However, some subjects are still in the process of being developed. In these subjects, pupils are not yet developing their subject-related skills as well as they might.

The school has trained staff well, while at the same time making sure that their workload is manageable. Staff feel that their performance is often improved by leaders coaching them as they teach. Recent changes in staffing mean that some are yet to have training to lead the subjects they are responsible for.

As a result, they have not been able to make some necessary improvements to subject planning. They also do not yet have a fully accurate overview of pupils' learning in these subjects.

Children in the early years get off to a strong start.

They begin their journey of reading by learning new sounds and listening to stories. Many use these sounds when taking part in other activities and play. Children learn about the world around them and are developing their language to support them to be able communicate their feelings and understanding.

Staff in early years are well trained to ask questions to help the children to think more deeply about what they are doing and the choices they make.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) have effective support plans in place that identify the reasons why they find learning difficult. The school works well with specialist outside agencies to quickly provide them with effective support.

Pupils with SEND feel looked after and included in all aspects of school life and do well when taking part in the same learning as their peers.

Despite the work that the school has done to improve how often pupils attend school, there continues to be a significant minority of pupils who do not come to school regularly. The school has reflected on their hard work so far and have plans to 'leave no stone left unturned' when trying to improve this further.

The school knows the importance of supporting their pupils' wider development by providing rich opportunities for them to visit new places and try new things. Pupils have passports that require them to record 40 different experiences before they leave the school and many feel excited about doing this.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In a few subjects, leaders have not identified precisely enough the subject skills they want pupils to develop. This means that pupils do not know what they need to do to become better at these subjects. Leaders should ensure all subjects make clear the knowledge and skills they want pupils to know and be able to do.

• Some subject leaders do not yet have the experience and training to lead the subjects they are responsible for. As a result, they do not have a clear understanding of how well their subject is being delivered and understood. The school should continue to develop leaders' understanding of how to lead their subjects effectively.

• The school has worked to improve attendance, but despite this work some pupils still do not attend school regularly. As a result, these pupils miss key learning. The school should continue to track attendance and support parents to understand the importance of their children being in school regularly.

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