Corpusty Primary School

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About Corpusty Primary School

Name Corpusty Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Mr Miles Elcock
Address Norwich Road, Corpusty, Norwich, NR11 6QG
Phone Number 01263587320
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 26
Local Authority Norfolk
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Corpusty is a friendly school where pupils are kind and caring to one another.

Parents typically commented, 'No one is a stranger here.' Pupils feel well cared for and say that staff are kind to them.

Pupils have a clear sense of right and wrong.

They demonstrate important values such as empathy, respect and tolerance in their day-to-day interactions with one another. Pupils feel confident and secure. Children in the early years enjoy working alongside older pupils.

Pupils enjoy their learning and work hard. They consider that teachers prepare them well for their next stages of education. Pupils like that staff have high expectations about their work... and behaviour.

Pupils rise to this challenge admirably. Pupils appreciate the extra-curricular opportunities available to them, including trips and visits such as the residential visit to an outdoor education centre.

Pupils are kept safe at the school.

Pupils say that there is no bullying and behaviour is good. If there were to be any bullying, they can ask for help from staff who will then resolve any problem. Parents appreciate the care that staff give to pupils.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have created an ambitious curriculum to help pupils succeed. Most subject matter is taught in a logical order. This helps pupils to build on what they have previously learned.

Teachers plan activities that are engaging and help pupils to understand the content being taught. Pupils learn well in these subjects and remember important knowledge. Teachers consistently check pupils' learning.

They provide extra support where there are gaps in pupils' knowledge. The curriculum is less well planned and organised in a few subjects. Consequently, teachers' delivery and pupils' learning is not as secure in these subjects.

Leaders ensure that all staff place a high priority on teaching pupils how to read. Reading is taught to pupils as soon as they start school. Leaders have adopted a clearly structured approach to teaching phonics.

Adults are trained to identify and provide extra help for any pupils that fall behind. Teachers ensure that pupils read books that match their phonics knowledge. This results in pupils becoming confident and fluent readers.

Teachers receive helpful advice and support from leaders to identify the needs of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Effective support is in place to help these pupils to access the curriculum and to learn well. Parents and carers of pupils with SEND receive regular updates about their children's learning.

Teachers know how to adapt plans to meet the needs of pupils.

In the early years, staff adapt learning to ensure that all children achieve well. Staff and parents work in partnership when children join the early years.

Children settle quickly and get off to a good start with their learning. Staff focus on communication and language development. This ensures that children can talk confidently about their learning and cooperate well with each other.

Staff follow the behaviour policy and procedures consistently and well. Pupils believe it is a fair system. They follow the rules and show positive attitudes to their learning and each other.

Attendance rates are showing sure but steady improvement over the past year.

Pupils learn about the main world faiths present in the United Kingdom. They learn about the importance of fairness and equality through their work on fundamental British values.

Local governors know the school well. They provide support for leaders but also challenge them to ensure that all decisions are made in the best interest of pupils. They are proud of the school and how it is now occupying a place at the heart of the village community.

There is an effective working relationship between the governing body and the leadership of The Synergy Multi Academy Trust. Trust leaders provide very effective support for the school. Staff enjoy working at the school, and they feel well supported by leaders.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff ensure that pupils are safe. Staff receive regular training and updates on how to identify any potential concerns.

They report and use the school's systems well. Leaders follow up on any issues that arise. Staff work with external agencies to ensure that pupils get the support that they need.

Pupils learn about keeping safe in lessons. This includes learning strategies to help them keep safe when using online technologies.

Leaders follow safer recruitment practices and keep careful records.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In a small number of subjects, the curriculum does not make clear the most important things that pupils need to know. Teachers do not teach, and pupils do not learn, the most important content in these subjects. Leaders should ensure that the curriculum, across all subjects, sets out the most important knowledge that pupils should learn and supports teachers with clear guidance to help them deliver this curriculum effectively.

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