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All pupils at Cotgrave Candleby Lane School flourish. The school's relentless focus on providing the highest-possible quality of education enables all pupils to excel.
Pupils are incredibly proud of their school. One pupil, typical of many, said, 'This is the best school in the whole universe.'
Pupils live by the school's three expectations of: 'be kind, be safe, be ready to learn'.
Their behaviour is exemplary. Pupils show kindness and respect towards one another. They feel safe and are kept safe.
Pupils delight in the vast array of high-quality enrichment activities that the school offers. For example, pupils are keen to attend coding club, led by... pupil digital leaders. Pupils can enjoy football, art, music and cooking clubs.
Pupils strive to be a role model for their peers. The school's peer mentors ensure that social times are a positive experience for all pupils. One peer mentor spoke with pride about their role, stating, 'I can lift spirits and make someone feel like they are better.'
The 'pride team' ensures that the school is kept clean and tidy. The 'kindness team' promotes the school motto, 'kindness is key', and presents certificates to pupils who have been kind to others.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school's academic curriculum is underpinned by the clear vision of a 'love of learning'.
From the early years to Year 6, and in preparation for what comes beyond Year 6, the school has ensured that the curriculum flows seamlessly. The curriculum is extremely well designed and implemented fully by staff. The order in which pupils learn new knowledge and information is crystal clear.
There is a regular recap of what pupils have previously learned through the 'reactivate' activities. Consequently, pupils across the school develop a rich and deep body of knowledge over time.
The school makes full use of the latest educational research to inform teaching, learning and curriculum development.
The school also delivers the highest-quality ongoing training to staff. As a result, staff are exceedingly well equipped to design learning activities that enable pupils to thrive.
Reading is at the heart of the school's provision.
The bespoke reading programme ensures that pupils explore interesting and diverse texts that further enhance their learning in different subjects. Through this, pupils develop a love of reading. They cannot wait to read in the Harry Potter or Narnia reading rooms.
Phonics lessons in the early years help children to quickly become confident and fluent readers. Staff model sounds precisely and lead activities that enable children to practise regularly what they have learned. If any pupils find learning to read more difficult, staff waste no time in giving them effective support.
This ensures that these pupils gain the reading skills they need in order to learn well across the whole curriculum.
Children in the early years get off to a flying start. They display a real thirst for learning.
There are well-established routines and high expectations of children's learning. Children live up to these expectations. They are confident, motivated and happy learners.
The school identifies the additional needs of pupils quickly and accurately. Staff adapt all aspects of the delivery of the curriculum to meet the needs of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Staff take extreme care to ensure that all pupils with SEND can access the plentiful enrichment opportunities that the school offers to enhance their learning.
The behaviour of pupils is excellent. Pupils eagerly come to school each day, and attendance is high. Where there are any slight dips in pupils' attendance, the school acts quickly and effectively to ensure that pupils' attendance improves.
Staff are determined to give pupils and their families bespoke support to ensure that every pupil benefits from the high-quality education on offer.
The school has developed a thoughtful and well-planned personal development programme that is rooted in the values of the school. This helps pupils to develop a thorough understanding of how to stay safe and healthy.
Pupils have access to a rich set of wider opportunities. Staff plan many outings for pupils which help to develop their learning. These include visits to places of worship and residential trips.
Pupils speak with considerable maturity when discussing difference and diversity, stating the importance of the Equality Act 2010.
The trust and governing body have played integral roles in developing this exceptional school. There is a strong commitment to ensure the very best for all pupils at this school.
Staff benefit from a rigorous programme of professional development and support. They are proud to work at this school.