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This inspection rating relates to a predecessor school. When a school converts to an academy, is taken over or closes and reopens as a new school a formal link is created between the new school and the old school, by the Department for Education. Where the new school has not yet been inspected, we show the inspection history of the predecessor school, as we believe it still has significance.
Mrs R Thompson
Sir John Newsom Way, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 4FL
Phone Number
Academy sponsor led
Age Range
Religious Character
Does not apply
Number of Pupils
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
This inspection rating relates to a predecessor school. When a school converts to an academy, is taken over or closes and reopens as a new school a formal link is created between the new school and the old school, by the Department for Education. Where the new school has not yet been inspected, we show the inspection history of the predecessor school, as we believe it still has significance.
What is it like to attend this school?
Pupils are benefiting from the positive changes that leaders are making across the school. Pupils know that they must follow instructions and behave sensibly at all times. Pupils say that bullying is now unusual and that they trust staff to sort out any issues fairly, should they arise.
Pupils enjoy the challenge of 'going for gold' and striving to reach teachers' high expectations. Pupils develop values and skills, such as cooperation and motivation. These qualities help them make the most of the many learning opportunities on offer.
Pupils enjoy a range of special events, visits and clubs, that bring learning alive. These extra-curricular experiences are valued by a...ll.
Pupils receive an education that has ambitious aims.
Although the quality of the education is secure in some subjects, there is variation in the quality of teachers' subject knowledge. This means that, in some subject lessons, pupils are not receiving the precise instruction and guidance they should.
Pupils are safe and know they can share their worries with adults in school.
Pupils feel listened to. They have confidence in the staff that have made their school a better place to learn and play. Parents speak positively about the shift in culture leaders have achieved for their children.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Recently appointed senior leaders have started to take decisive action to address key weaknesses in the school's provision. Through clear, prioritised changes, leaders have responded to the concerns shared by staff, parents and pupils. Leaders have addressed the inconsistencies in pupils' behaviour.
In class, pupils are respectful and productive. During lessons, teaching and learning is rarely disrupted.
Leaders have designed a curriculum that is ambitious from the moment children join Nursery.
In all subject areas, the curriculum sets out the knowledge that pupils should learn and in what order. However, teaching staff have varied subject knowledge and expertise. As a result, teaching is not consistently effective, and pupils have some gaps in what they know.
This includes children in early years.
Leaders have put systems in place for teachers to check what pupils know. In most circumstances, teachers make effective use of these checks to address any misconceptions that pupils have.
Leaders know where teaching is strongest and where this needs to improve. Leaders share best practice with staff, but there is more work to do for the quality of teaching to be consistently effective across the school. Subject leaders need support to monitor the impact the curriculum is having.
Staff share a commitment that pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) will achieve as well as they can. Leaders work with teachers to identify the needs of these pupils accurately. Although pupils with SEND experience some of the same variation in curriculum as their peers, they are helped to learn successfully.
Teaching staff develop detailed support plans that are matched to pupils' needs. Consequently, pupils with SEND are able to access the curriculum alongside their classmates.
Reading has a high priority.
Daily phonics sessions support pupils with their early reading. Pupils are keen to learn. However, staff knowledge and expertise to deliver effective phonics teaching varies.
Pupils do not always learn their phonics as well as they should. Pupils enjoy practising the sounds they have learned. This includes when reading books that are carefully matched to their level of ability.
Older pupils get the ongoing support they need with reading. This helps them read across the curriculum with confidence and fluency.
The nursery provision is a strength.
Staff provide meaningful teaching and activities that link closely to the knowledge children are learning. This prepares children well for the Reception Year and beyond. Leaders are focused on sharing this effective practice across early years.
Currently, where staff subject knowledge in Reception is not as secure, this limits the quality interactions that help children learn.
Pupils' good conduct across the school results in calm classrooms, where learning is the focus. Pupils are encouraged to be active citizens in their school community.
They have the opportunity to apply their leadership skills through roles of responsibility, such as Fairtrade committee members and house captains. Pupils cherish the chance to make a difference and to act as role models for younger pupils.
Governors have been steadfast in seeking improvements in the school.
In addition to the challenges presented by the pandemic, governors have had to stabilise staffing, including appointing a new headteacher. This has taken significant time and expertise. As a result of this focus on staffing, governors have not held leaders to account robustly enough for some aspects of education and the implementation of all agreed policies.
Staff value the support they have received from leaders through a period of significant change.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders understand their responsibility to keep pupils safe.
They ensure that robust and appropriate checks are made on adults working at the school. All staff receive relevant safeguarding training. This supports them to fulfil their safeguarding responsibilities.
Leaders have established effective procedures for staff to share information and any concerns about pupils.
Pupils are encouraged to share their understanding about safeguarding through regular discussions and surveys. This helps leaders to check whether pupils feel safe.
Pupils learn about keeping safe through life skills lessons and assemblies. This supports them to make healthy and safe choices, including when using the internet.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• Some teaching staff do not have sufficiently secure subject knowledge.
This means that teaching does not routinely support pupils to remember and understand what they have learned. Leaders should ensure that all staff involved in teaching have sufficient subject knowledge and expertise to deliver the full curriculum effectively. This includes in the early years and in the teaching of early reading.
• Subject leaders have had limited capacity to check how well the curriculum is being taught. Senior leaders should ensure that all subject leaders monitor and review the impact the curriculum is having on pupils' achievement. Subject leaders can then make the right curriculum adaptations and provide teachers with the appropriate support so that all pupils learn successfully over time.
• Due to a range of challenges, governors have not checked thoroughly that all leaders' actions are consistently effective. This means that some practices in the school are not as impactful as possible. Governors need to ensure that they have consistently secure expertise to support them to hold leaders to account for all agreed policies, as well as ongoing curriculum improvement.