Crewe Engineering and Design UTC

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About Crewe Engineering and Design UTC

Name Crewe Engineering and Design UTC
Ofsted Inspections
Mr William Chitty
Address West Street, Crewe, CW1 2PZ
Phone Number 01270218150
Phase Academy
Type University technical college
Age Range 14-19
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 256
Local Authority Cheshire East
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school The principal, well supported by senior leaders, staff and governors, has created a nurturing culture.

Many pupils with previous poor experiences of secondary education thrive and develop a strong understanding of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Governors know the college well. They have considerable expertise in the college's specialisms of engineering, design and manufacturing.

Pupils, including disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), make good progress from low starting points across a range of subjects. Relationships between pupils and teachers are respectful. ...Pupils behave well.

Rates of exclusions are well below the national average. Teaching, learning and assessment are good. However, some of the most able pupils are not provided with work that is sufficiently challenging.

Consequently, these pupils do not make the progress of which they are capable. Attainment and progress in mathematics are not as strong as in other subjects. Leaders are taking action to improve pupils' progress in mathematics.

Teaching is improving. Nevertheless, there is still more to do to improve pupils' progress in this subject. Pupils feel safe and are cared for well.

They are confident and articulate. The curriculum has a strong focus on courses relating to the college's specialisms. It is well matched to the needs and interests of pupils and the regional area.

All Year 11 pupils and Year 13 students go on to appropriate education, employment or training. They have many opportunities to develop employability skills through project work and work experience with employers. Pupils enjoy coming to the university technical college (UTC).

Attendance is higher than the national average for secondary schools. Parents and carers are delighted with the education that their children receive. Pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is promoted effectively.

Middle leaders form a committed team. Some have still to fully develop their skills in improving their subject areas. Sixth formers value the wide array of opportunities available to them.

They make strong progress in vocational courses. The small number of students who follow academic subjects now make better progress than those who left in 2018.

Information about this school

Crewe Engineering and Design UTC is a 14 to 19 university technical college with a focus on engineering, design and manufacturing specialisms.

The college is owned by Crewe UTC, which is a stand-alone academy trust. It opened in September 2016. The college is sponsored by Bentley Motors, OSL Global and Manchester Metropolitan University.

The governing body comprises representative trustees of each of the sponsors. The college is smaller than the average and provides education for pupils in key stages 4 and 5. Pupils join the college in Year 10 or in Year 12 for the sixth form.

The majority of pupils are of White British heritage. The proportion of pupils who speak English as an additional language is below the national average. The proportion of disadvantaged pupils is above the national average.

The proportion of pupils with SEND is above the national average. The proportion of pupils who have an education, health and care plan is below average. The college does not make use of any alternative providers.

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