Cricket Green School

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About Cricket Green School

Name Cricket Green School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Celia Dawson
Address Lower Green West, Mitcham, CR4 3AF
Phone Number 02086401177
Phase Special
Type Community special school
Age Range 4-19
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 256
Local Authority Merton
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is an outstanding school because: The school inspires pupils at all ages to excel in their personal development as well as academic achievement. The pupils are highly motivated to succeed as a result of the high expectations placed on them by staff.

The outstanding teaching is successful because of the dedication and high levels of skill displayed by teachers and support assistants. The overwhelming majority of pupils make progress which is excellent and above that expected of pupils nationally and especially in similar schools. The pupils' behaviour is exemplary.

This is because they are happy learners and feel safe and secure and valued by all staff. Th...ey have excellent attitudes towards their learning. Leadership and management are of a consistently high quality.

The established headteacher and senior staff ensure that the performance management of staff has a significant impact on development. The monitoring of teaching is rigorous and accurate and ensures that as the school grows the consistency of teaching standards remains high. The newly established sixth form is outstanding.

A well-grounded curriculum and innovative practice in securing excellent vocational opportunities has enabled students to maintain very good progress and prepare them well for the next steps in their education. The governing body provides outstanding challenge and support to the school's leaders. Governors have a detailed knowledge of the school's strengths and areas for development.

Information about this school

The school provides for pupils with a diverse range of needs, including those with moderate and severe learning difficulties, pupils with autistic spectrum disorders and those with difficulties in speech and language development. The school role has increased since the addition of provision, this year, for students in post-16 education and to accommodate a new primary class. The school also provides for the needs of a few pupils on the roll of mainstream schools, and supports re-integration for small numbers into mainstream schools.

In addition, the school is designated as a teaching school in partnership with another local school. Together, they form the Merton Special School Alliance. The school does not use alternative provision.

About half of the pupils are of White British origin while the remainder reflect the ethnic mix of the borough. Approximately 20% of pupils speak English as an additional language although there is none at the earliest stages of learning to speak English. About two thirds of pupils are boys.

Half of the pupils, a higher than average proportion, are eligible for the pupil premium, which is extra funding to support the progress of pupils who are known to be eligible for free school meals or who are in the care of the local authority. The headteacher and the great majority of her leadership team were in post at the time of the previous inspection when the school was judged outstanding in all aspects. The headteacher is a National Leader in Education (NLE).

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