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Leaders have made Crookesbroom a beacon of ambition within the community.
Relationships between staff and pupils are built on a deep sense of mutual care and respect. As one parent said, 'Staff here treat children as if they are their own.' Trust and school leaders have the highest expectations for what they want pupils to experience and learn, but also for the type of people they want them to become.
Pupils rise to these expectations and talk about their enjoyment of school and what they have achieved.
Pupils feel very safe. They talk confidently about how staff in school are available to help, support and guide them.
Pupils have a well-developed se...nse of respect and show this to each other without exception. They understand that some groups of people may be discriminated against.
Pupils are highly enthusiastic in their lessons.
They are excited by their learning and begin their work quickly and with focus. Pupils receive a wide range of experiences and opportunities as part of their daily life in school. For example, pupils talk about going on residential trips and learning how to cook.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have created an ambitious and engaging curriculum. They have a strong belief that 'everyone can succeed'. Detailed thought is given to making sure pupils have a sense of awe and wonder about what they learn.
Leaders think carefully about the order in which the different parts of subjects are taught. For example, in geography, pupils are taught about their local area and community before developing their understanding of other places within and beyond the United Kingdom. There is a strong focus on helping pupils to remember knowledge and use high-quality vocabulary.
Pupils are encouraged to explain their learning with confidence.
Teachers skilfully help pupils to see how what they are learning in lessons links to what they have been taught before. Pupils are motivated in the wider curriculum subjects to answer 'big questions', which are introduced at the start of each unit of work.
In some subjects, the precise knowledge pupils need to know to fully understand and answer these questions is not always clear. Leaders are making adaptations and refinements each term as the impact of the curriculum is constantly reviewed.
Leaders make the teaching of reading a priority.
Leaders have made sure that the phonics curriculum they have chosen is delivered on a daily basis from when pupils start school in reception until they become fluent readers. Pupils are given books to read which are matched to the sounds they have been taught. When pupils need extra support with reading, staff know exactly which sounds and which parts of reading the pupils are finding difficult.
A love of reading is promoted throughout school. Books that teachers read to pupils during story time are well chosen to link to what pupils have been learning about in lessons and to develop an enjoyment of different types of books such as nursery rhymes, fairy tales and non-fiction. Pupils from different year groups can often be seen sitting together enjoying stories and reading to each other in the 'book nooks' around school.
Leaders at all levels are dedicated to improving life chances for all pupils. This passion is reflected in what staff say about the work they do. The academy advisory board and trustees have created clear systems to give them an understanding of strengths and areas for development.
Leaders have ensured that pupils are supported to have high aspirations for their futures, for example by inviting nurses, doctors and scientists to visit pupils. These visits are linked to the curriculum, and they support pupils to think about possible future careers. Leaders also know that working with families is a key part of their role.
Leaders make huge efforts to involve parents and families in the life of the school. For example, inviting parents in to read with their children at 'stay and read' mornings. There is a strong sense of partnership between parents, staff and leaders.
The positive behaviour pupils show in school is encouraged by the strong relationships they have with staff and the exciting curriculum and experiences they are given. Pupils talk about how staff show and teach them how to behave and how to treat others. Pupils say that 'we know how to treat each other because we see how teachers treat us'.
Leaders make sure that pupils with special education needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are identified effectively. Teachers support pupils with SEND highly well because they understand their needs and how to help them. The special educational needs coordinator has created a culture where 'all teachers are teachers of SEND'.
Pupils in the early years foundation stage are given a strong start to their education. Teachers make sure that pupils develop independence and positive learning behaviours. A focus on reading and enjoying books is used to support their learning across the curriculum.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders have created a culture of safeguarding and staff know that this responsibility belongs to all. All staff have a strong sense of local risks and dangers for pupils and families.
Leaders work skilfully with other agencies to get information and guidance and to access the right support for those who need it. Leaders make sure they support pupils to have the information and knowledge they need to stay safe and to achieve well.
Leaders work closely with families to provide support and advice and this work helps pupils to achieve well in school.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• Leaders have not defined with enough clarity the knowledge they want pupils to know in the wider curriculum. This leads to some inconsistencies in the depth of knowledge that pupils learn in these subjects as teachers interpret the content differently. Leaders should map out the knowledge that pupils need to acquire to help them know and remember more over time.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.