Crowlees Church of England Voluntary Controlled Junior and Infant School
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About Crowlees Church of England Voluntary Controlled Junior and Infant School
Crowlees Church of England Voluntary Controlled Junior and Infant School
This is a vibrant, happy school. Pupils are highly motivated by the activities and lessons that their teachers plan.
A strong ethos of respect permeates the whole school. As a result, pupils care for each other. Behaviour is exemplary because of the clear routines that leaders put in place.
For example, many pupils told inspectors that adults help them to 'stop, think, do the right thing'. At social times, older pupils organise games for younger pupils. Some pupils are digital leaders.
They thrive on this responsibility.
Pupils are encouraged to talk about their emotions and feelings. Emotional well-being charts in classrooms ensure that adults know ...very well how pupils are feeling.
Pupils told inspectors that bullying is incredibly rare. If bullying does happen, pupils told inspectors that adults will deal with it effectively. Expectations are high for every child.
Teachers, teaching assistants and leaders work as a team. This ensures that all pupils' needs are fully understood and met.
Pupils spoke to inspectors with great enthusiasm about the outdoor classroom.
This provision is woven into the daily life of the school. Pupils flourish because of the unique ways of working that this provision offers.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders' curriculum planning is detailed, thorough and clear.
It is well understood by all adults. Leaders carefully plan to meet the training needs of all staff. This means that staff are confident in the jobs that they do.
For example, all teachers and support staff have received training in delivering the school's phonics programme. As a result, the phonics programme is well embedded and taught with consistency. Pupils use ambitious vocabulary from the earliest years.
For example, pupils in Reception could confidently identify digraphs during phonics lessons.
Pupils' writing is varied and sophisticated. This is because lessons across the curriculum contain well-planned chances for different types of writing.
Pupils told inspectors that they love to read. Reading activities are numerous. Pupils spoke enthusiastically about the books they are reading at home and at school.
Teachers' assessment identifies gaps that have arisen because of the pandemic. Support for pupils is precisely targeted, especially in phonics. This helps children at the early stages of reading to become confident, fluent readers.
Regular checks on the important knowledge that pupils remember helps teachers to adapt lessons. Close working between teachers, teaching assistants and the special educational needs coordinator (SENCo) ensures that pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) have very clear plans and targets. These plans are regularly reviewed and updated.
As a result, pupils with SEND achieve very highly.
Personal, social, health and relationships education (PSHRE) is planned well to develop pupils' independence and understanding of the world. For example, pupils have regular and meaningful chances to talk about their feelings.
They are given clear strategies to help deal with feelings of anger or anxiety. Pupils are enthusiastic about the wide range of clubs they can attend, for example the 'eco club'.
Pupils are leaders in this school.
For example, pupils worked with adults to produce the anti-bullying charter. This means pupils can clearly explain what bullying is. They know the impact it can have on others.
As a result, bullying is very rare. Behaviour routines are very well established because everyone understands and applies the code of conduct.
The open plan layout of the school helps to create a strong community.
There is a buzz of excitement around the school. Great pride is taken in creating a warm, welcoming environment. Leaders know that the pandemic has affected pupils' social development.
Some children missed chances to learn through play when they were in Reception. The Year 1 environment has been redesigned as a result. Areas for literacy, mathematics and writing in the outdoor space for Year 1 pupils help them to learn through activities that interest them.
Early years leaders clearly understand the important knowledge they want children to remember. While children follow their interests, teachers ensure that important knowledge of number, for example, is learned and remembered.
The outdoor classroom is used regularly by every year group.
The forest school teacher works closely with class teachers to plan lessons. Lessons in the outdoor area enhance the school curriculum, for example when looking at the life cycle of frogs in science. The provision provides memorable and inspiring learning opportunities.
Pupils told inspectors they really enjoyed these lessons.
Governors understand leaders' priorities very well. Minutes from meetings show that governors are given very clear information about the progress of plans to develop, for example, the reading programme.
Leaders plan frequent opportunities to check the quality of the curriculum. Governors deliver assemblies and visit the school regularly. Parents told inspectors about the 'fantastic' and 'brilliant' work of this 'amazing school'.
Many praised the spirit of community that leaders have developed. Support for families during the pandemic was very highly praised by parents. Leaders place great importance on the well-being of staff.
Staff recognise and value this; they feel cared for.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Clear policies and systems are in place for reporting safeguarding concerns.
The PSHRE curriculum informs pupils about safeguarding risks. This means that pupils have a very clear understanding of how to keep themselves safe online, in school and in the community.
Safeguarding is a 'golden thread' that runs through all aspects of school life.
Pupils receive clear information about, for example, the lanyards that visitors wear.
Local safeguarding risks are well understood by leaders and staff. Leaders make good use of external agencies to ensure that help is available in school for pupils at risk.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.