Crowthorne Church of England Primary School

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About Crowthorne Church of England Primary School

Name Crowthorne Church of England Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Emily Hicks
Address Duke’s Ride, Crowthorne, RG45 6ND
Phone Number 01344772089
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary controlled school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 211
Local Authority Bracknell Forest
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils thrive in this excellent school.

Staff expectations of pupils' personal, social and academic success are sky high. Pupils take tremendous pride in their work. They talk animatedly about their learning.

Pupils achieve very well by the end of their time here.

The school is an oasis of calm. Starting from the early years, pupils learn to follow the clear routines and boundaries.

They build strong relationships. Social times are extremely harmonious occasions. Pupils enjoy making dens and playing on the trim trail.

They actively look out for the well-being of others.

Parents and carers speak highly of the school and its role in t...he community. Pupils value the many opportunities that nurture their interests and talents.

They participate enthusiastically in clubs, such as fencing, street dance and archery. Members of the choir showcase their singing talents at events in the community and beyond. Pupils prize greatly their leadership roles, including as members of the school council, the eco-council and as house captains.

They relish going on trips to the farm, the museum and Windsor Castle. One Year 3 pupil captured the views of others by saying, 'The best thing about our school is that it is the perfect place for everyone.'

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school is incredibly aspirational for its staff and pupils.

The curriculum in all areas, including early years, is stimulating, creative and promotes deep thinking and discussion. The school has identified meticulously the essential knowledge that pupils will learn step by step. A rich array of trips, visits and visitors to school enhances pupils' tangible enjoyment of the subjects they study.

Pupils rightly describe their learning as 'interesting, engaging and great fun'.

Staff identify the needs of any pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) quickly. Where necessary, they skilfully adapt the curriculum and provide excellent support.

Consequently, pupils with SEND achieve very well from their individual starting points.

The school provides excellent opportunities to develop staff's expertise. As a result, staff have excellent subject knowledge.

Across lessons, they use a wide range of extremely effective strategies and high-quality resources to help pupils learn exceptionally well.Pupils enjoy discussing and debating issues, including about global perspectives.Teachers adapt lessons seamlessly to address any key misconceptions if they occur.

They make sure that pupils, including pupils with SEND, have a deep body of knowledge on which to build their future learning. Pupils, including the youngest children, make excellent progress through the curriculum.

Pupils are fluent and independent readers.

High-quality phonics teaching helps pupils quickly develop the skills they need to be successful. Books are matched closely to the sounds that pupils know. Staff provide extra support for any pupils who struggle.

This helps these pupils to improve their reading skills quickly and proficiently. Nurturing pupils' love of reading is a central feature of the curriculum. For instance, Year 6 pupils relish supporting younger pupils with their reading in their role as 'reading ambassadors'.

Pupils talk passionately about the diverse and interesting range of books they enjoy. One pupil said, 'We just can never stop reading because the more we read, the more we learn.'

There is a highly purposeful and productive atmosphere in classrooms.

Pupils' outstanding attitudes towards their school and others begin in the early years. Here, children show high levels of respect and consideration. They learn to share resources, take turns and play together amicably.

The school's work to promote pupils' character is exceptional. Pupils have an excellent understanding of spiritual, moral, social and cultural aspects of life. For example, they learn to appreciate differences in the world because of the rich and extensive experiences provided by the school.

These include visits to different places of worship and learning about other cultures, festivals and religions. Pupils learn how to look after their physical and mental health. They are taught how to stay safe online and understand what factors contribute to a positive relationship.

Pupils think nothing of extending their support for the different causes they choose. For instance, pupils sponsor the education of a child in another country and collect donations to support charities in hard-to-reach parts of the world. They also raise awareness of important environmental issues, such as recycling, litter and road safety in the local area.

Leaders and governors have an accurate view of the school's performance. They are united in their vision to provide the very best opportunities for pupils and their families. Parents rightfully endorse the quality of education their children receive.

Staff appreciate the training they receive to become excellent teachers. They find their workload reasonable.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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