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Pupils are well cared for and valued. Staff know their pupils well and have good relationships with them. They encourage pupils to believe in themselves.
Pupils enjoy coming to school.
Most pupils work hard in lessons. They take pride in their work.
Pupils behave well. They like the rewards that they receive for good behaviour. Pupils are courteous and respectful.
They listen well to their teachers.
Pupils say that they feel safe. They say that bullying is rare and inspectors agree.
Pupils are confident that staff will deal with any incidents of bullying if it happens. Pupils told in...spectors that they can speak to staff, including those who run 'Honeysuckle', if they have any worries or concerns. Playtimes and lunchtimes are well organised.
Pupils play well together.
Leaders ensure that pupils receive a range of opportunities to broaden their horizons. Pupils spoke excitedly about their residential visits to Robinwood and learning to be independent.
They value breakfast club and after-school clubs such as football and art.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have taken action to improve the curriculum in many subjects, including art, mathematics and history. Knowledgeable subject leaders have ensured that well-sequenced plans are in place.
Teachers have received high-quality subject training through the school's learning communities. They are clear about what pupils should learn and when. Teachers break down what pupils need to know into small steps.
Teachers purposely revisit taught content. Consequently, this helps pupils to develop a secure understanding in these subjects.
The provision for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) is effective.
The special educational needs and disabilities coordinator (SENCo) works well with teachers and teaching assistants to plan the detailed support for pupils with SEND. Teachers use these support plans to adapt their teaching. As a result, pupils with SEND access the same ambitious curriculum as their peers.
Recently, leaders have implemented a new phonics programme. This is because they had identified some weaknesses in pupils' reading which had started to emerge pre-pandemic.
All staff have received training in how to teach phonics, and it is early days in the new programme's implementation.
However, there is work to do to ensure that some of the weakest readers in key stage 1 are as well supported as they need to be.
Leaders have introduced several reading strategies to prioritise reading across the school. These are helping to develop pupils' love of reading.
Many pupils say they enjoy reading. However, some pupils in key stage 2 who struggle with reading do not receive the precise support that they need to catch up quickly. As a result, some pupils are not reading as accurately and fluently as they should.
Staff in the early years plan activities that cater both for children's developing needs and their natural interests. Children socialise well. They learn to take turns.
Children listen and follow instructions well. Staff model good speaking and listening to the children when they share stories and books. Children are helped to develop their communication skills.
Children count and use mathematical language with growing confidence. During the inspection, children were excitedly measuring worms to find the longest one. Staff keep parents well informed.
Parents value the support that they receive to help their children with learning.
Pupils' personal development is a key focus. Leaders ensure that there are opportunities for pupils' personal development.
During assemblies, and personal, social and health lessons, pupils discuss different moral issues. They are clear about the difference between right and wrong. Pupils have many opportunities to develop their social and leadership skills.
They take on leadership roles such as student councillors and play leaders.
Staff are clear that leaders support their well-being effectively and are mindful of their workload. Most are proud to work at the school.
Governors are committed to the school and visit regularly. They know the school's strengths and most of the areas that need to improve. However, they are less certain about what leaders are doing to help the weakest readers improve their reading.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders and governors make sure that safeguarding has a high priority. They ensure that pupils are safe in the school.
Leaders have robust systems in place for safeguarding pupils. Staff receive regular safeguarding training. They are knowledgeable about the community they serve.
Staff are aware of the potential risks that pupils might face. Leaders work effectively with external agencies to support vulnerable pupils and families. Pupils are taught how to keep themselves safe, including when using the internet.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• The school's early reading curriculum is not as effective as it needs to be in making sure that all pupils learn to read as soon as they should. Some pupils do not secure the basics in early reading. Leaders should ensure that the school's new phonics programme is implemented effectively so that pupils quickly catch up with the expectations of the chosen programme.
They should ensure that pupils gain the knowledge they need to become fluent readers by the end of key stage 1. ? Some pupils in key stage 2 do not read with accuracy and fluency. Leaders need to ensure that key stage 2 pupils who struggle to read receive effective and precise support so that they can catch up quickly and become fluent and confident readers.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.