Davyhulme Primary School

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About Davyhulme Primary School

Name Davyhulme Primary School
Website http://www.davyhulmeprimary.com/
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Ms Kate Brookes
Address Canterbury Road, Urmston, Manchester, M41 0RX
Phone Number 01617483392
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 513
Local Authority Trafford
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils flourish at this happy and friendly school. Teachers are aspirational for pupils' achievement.

They equip pupils with highly effective learning behaviours that help them to succeed in lessons. Pupils take great pride in their education and enjoy sharing their vast knowledge with others. The school has created a climate for learning that enables pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), to excel in all that they do.

Pupils behave impeccably. They treat each other with unwavering kindness and respect. Pupils seize every opportunity to learn something new.

For example, they relish the exciting opportunities that ar...e on offer each Friday, such as outdoor learning, cooking and lessons in languages and music. These experiences inspire pupils to develop new talents and interests.

Pupils have a deep appreciation of, and respect for, the many differences that exist between people.

They make a positive contribution to the life of the school. For example, the pupil communication group has worked with staff to introduce exciting playtime activities. Older pupils avidly take on the roles of sports and play leaders, organising games and activities for pupils to enjoy at lunchtime.

These opportunities build a strong sense of common purpose throughout the school.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school and the governing body have an unswerving commitment to providing the best possible education for pupils at this school. Governors are exceptionally well informed.

This enables them to support the school well and to hold it to account effectively.

From the beginning of the early years, the school has meticulously designed an ambitious curriculum that equips pupils with a deep and rich body of subject knowledge. Inspectors were impressed by what pupils knew and their ability to make connections in their learning.

Extensive careers information and enrichment opportunities are woven seamlessly throughout the curriculum to raise pupils' aspirations and enthusiasm for their future lives.

Teachers benefit from a wealth of training and support. The school ensures that teachers know precisely what information to teach and how it connects to what pupils have learned in the past.

This enables teachers to design highly effective learning experiences. Teachers make effective use of a range of resources that promote and enhance pupils' understanding. Pupils are proud of their learning and delight in sharing their work with others.

The school has implemented highly effective approaches to assessment. Staff check to make sure that pupils' learning is developing remarkably well. They are adept at recognising and addressing pupils' misconceptions swiftly so that these do not persist over time.

Staff are trained equally well to identify and provide effective support for any specific difficulties that may become barriers for pupils with SEND.

Reading is at the heart of the curriculum. Staff deliver the phonics programme consistently.

Children in the Reception Year quickly learn the sounds that letters represent. Staff provide additional support for pupils who struggle with reading. This helps these pupils to catch up quickly.

The books that pupils read closely match the sounds that they have already learned. This supports them to become confident, fluent readers by the end of Year 2.

Pupils have access to a wide variety of well-chosen, high-quality texts in classrooms and in the school libraries.

Visits to the library encourage pupils to read more widely and often. Added to this, the school arranges visits from a variety of published authors to develop pupils' understanding of different genres. Pupils become competent readers, who enthusiastically discuss the books that they have enjoyed the most.

Pupils manage their own feelings and behaviour extremely well. Staff expertly guide pupils to follow the school's rules and to uphold its values. Pupils work with determination and care.

Classrooms buzz with purposeful learning activities.

The curriculum is enhanced by a deliberate and well-thought-out programme of assemblies, visiting speakers and excursions to enrich pupils' broader knowledge of the world around them. Pupils represent the school in sports.

They participate in school productions and enjoy a vast array of clubs and activities each week.

Pupils have a thorough understanding of fundamental British values. For example, they talked about the laws and rules of the country and about the importance of democracy.

Pupils show high levels of respect and consideration towards each other. For example, Year 6 pupils enjoy running the 'quiet area' at lunchtimes so that pupils can relax and enjoy each other's company. Pupils develop a strong sense of culture and of other religions.

Pupils' well-being and mental and physical health are promoted exceptionally well by the school.

Staff benefit from many opportunities that the school provides to develop their knowledge and expertise. They value the high level of support that they receive from the school and the governing body.

For example, they appreciate the priority placed on high-quality training. This equips staff well to carry out their roles with confidence and to continue to develop themselves professionally.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Also at this postcode
Davyhulme Pre School Limited School of Play @ Davyhulme Primary School School of Play @ Hartford Community Centre

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