Deansbrook Junior School

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About Deansbrook Junior School

Name Deansbrook Junior School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Simon Putman
Address Hale Drive, Mill Hill, London, NW7 3ED
Phone Number 02089593423
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 7-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 291
Local Authority Barnet
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Leaders have created a welcoming environment at this school. Relationships between adults and pupils are positive and respectful. Pupils are treated as individuals and feel safe and nurtured.

They are happy and enjoy learning the interesting curriculum that leaders have planned.

Leaders have established clear routines and expectations for how pupils should behave. Pupils respond well to these.

They behave well generally, and have particularly positive attitudes to learning in class. They enjoy being rewarded for doing the right thing.

Pupils are enthusiastic about learning different subjects.

Leaders are ambitious that all pupils will achiev...e well. This includes pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Pupils who speak English as an additional language receive effective support.

Pupils feel successful and proud of their learning.

Parents and carers appreciate the ways in which the school helps their children with academic work but also develops their interpersonal skills. They said that children are well supported to get ready for the next stage of education.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have designed an ambitious curriculum. They have set out the knowledge that pupils must learn. Teachers know exactly what content to teach and when to teach it.

Pupils learn a broad range of subjects, and overall they achieve well. Typically, pupils in all year groups, including pupils with SEND, are supported well to access the curriculum effectively.

Leaders have planned the curriculum to ensure that pupils learn a deep body of knowledge in all subjects.

For example, in modern foreign languages, pupils master the key subject content and skills that they need to know before moving on to new learning. This helps them to build confidence. Leaders constantly review what is working well in classrooms, for example checking how well pupils understand the vocabulary taught within a subject.

Alongside this work on the curriculum, leaders have also worked to develop teaching expertise to help every pupil, including pupils with SEND, to achieve strong outcomes. This work is particularly well developed in mathematics. Leaders use pupils' assessment information carefully.

Precise post-unit assessments enable teachers to identify any gaps that pupils might have. These gaps are then addressed very quickly by expert teachers.

Reading is prioritised by leaders.

Teachers read to pupils each day using high-quality texts. Pupils benefit from a well-stocked school library. Leaders ensure that staff have regular training in phonics.

They have worked with other schools in the trust to develop a bespoke reading curriculum. As soon as pupils join the school, teachers check what pupils already know and can do. Staff help pupils who are not fluent and accurate readers.

They ensure that pupils get suitable opportunities to practise and recap the sounds that they know. Nevertheless, there are some occasional inconsistencies in phonics teaching. On occasion, staff do not address pupils' errors or misconceptions accurately.

The school's personal development programme has been coherently planned, with the needs of the pupils firmly in mind. All pupils benefit from a wide range of enriching experiences. Teachers support pupils with their well-being.

They encourage pupils to recognise their own emotional needs. Staff help pupils with their well-being and happiness. Leaders work closely with other schools in the trust.

For example, 'The Table Tennis Academy' provides positive role models. Pupils concentrate well in lessons and learning proceeds uninterrupted in lessons.

Staff feel supported by senior leaders.

They felt valued and they appreciated that leaders invested in their professional development. Staff benefit from the additional support the trust provides, such as the incremental coaching programme.

The local governing body is committed and passionate.

It knows the school and its local context well. Trustees bring a broad range of expertise to their roles. They are rigorous in challenging the school and trust leaders to make further improvements.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Safeguarding is treated as a priority. Staff are well trained to recognise potential risks to pupils.

They report any concerns. Staff know their pupils well and pick up any concerns quickly. Leaders identify staff training needs regularly and with precision.

Leaders ensure that vulnerable pupils are identified, supported and nurtured.

Regular meetings of the safeguarding team ensure that pupils' needs are considered thoroughly. Leaders have strong working relationships with outside agencies.

They ensure that pupils get the help that they need at the right time.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Occasionally, phonics teaching does not address pupils' inaccuracies or misconceptions in a timely way, which limits some pupils' ability to read with fluency. Leaders should ensure that all adults check and support pupils' phonics knowledge effectively.

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