Deeplish Primary Academy

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About Deeplish Primary Academy

Name Deeplish Primary Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Principal Ewan McPherson
Address Derby Street, Rochdale, OL11 1LT
Phone Number 01706392480
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 463
Local Authority Rochdale
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

This school provides a happy, warm and welcoming environment for all pupils and their families.

Pupils with whom we spoke told us that they like coming to school because they enjoy learning. Pupils know that teachers expect them to achieve highly. Pupils work hard in their lessons and learn well in a wide range of subjects.

Pupils have excellent relationships with staff. They told us that all staff are friendly and approachable. Pupils show kindness and respect towards each other.

Pupils play and learn happily together. Bullying is rare. If it does happen, staff deal with issues quickly and well.

Pupils feel safe at the school and appreciate the supp...ort that they receive from staff.

Pupils develop a strong understanding of themselves and of other people. They have a variety of opportunities to learn about other faiths, including through visits to places of worship.

Pupils study a wide range of topics across the curriculum. Pupils respect their teachers' efforts to make learning interesting. They enjoy trips that support their learning, such as visits to museums and the local library.

They take part in a wide range of clubs at the end of the school day, especially sports and singing.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have designed a curriculum that inspires pupils to want to learn. In all subjects, they have thought carefully about what knowledge staff should teach pupils, starting in the early years.

The trust provides all subject leaders with relevant training. This means that subject leaders can give effective support to teachers.

Pupils enjoy learning a wide range of topics.

When teaching new units of work, staff often help pupils to remember what they have learned in the past. For example, older pupils learning about electricity start by remembering what they already know about conductors, insulators and circuits. This helps them to be ready for new learning.

Leaders ensure that teaching pupils to read is a high priority. Staff in the early years help children to learn new words. They help children to speak clearly and confidently.

Children then start learning letter sounds from the start of Reception. Most pupils learn to read well. Staff give additional help to pupils who struggle to read.

This helps them to keep up with their learning across subjects.

Throughout the school, pupils display positive attitudes to books and reading. The curriculum for reading is clearly structured.

This helps pupils to learn new vocabulary and to develop their comprehension skills and knowledge. Story time is a regular feature of life in classes. Pupils were able to talk to inspectors about some of Shakespeare's plays, including 'Macbeth' and 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'.

They talked to us about a wide range of authors. They told us how reading enriches their lives.

Recently, leaders recognised that pupils were not achieving as well in mathematics as they were in other subjects.

At the start of this school year, leaders redesigned the mathematics curriculum. However, some older pupils have gaps in their knowledge of mathematics. This makes it difficult for them to solve some mathematical problems.

Disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) achieve well. Staff identify any barriers to learning quickly and put the right support in place. The most vulnerable pupils take part in many aspects of school life, including after-school clubs.

Pupils are well prepared for life in modern Britain. Staff encourage pupils to be welcoming and respectful to everyone. Pupils recognise their similarities to other people and celebrate their differences.

They have a good understanding of the different backgrounds and cultures of different people and communities. Pupils relish opportunities to contribute to the life of the school. They are proud to be sports leaders and members of the reading army and school council.

Pupils work hard, and their behaviour supports their learning.

Leaders work closely with parents and carers and involve them in their children's learning. For example, parents can attend sessions to understand how to read to their children at home.

Pupils' attendance remains below the national average. Too many pupils miss important time at school. This affects their learning.

Leaders, including governors, have galvanised their team. Staff said that they are supported by their leaders and together with staff, they are an effective team.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

There is a strong culture of safeguarding in the school. Leaders have a thorough understanding of the risks to pupils' safety in the local area and respond appropriately. Staff are vigilant and follow up any safeguarding concerns properly.

Leaders respond promptly to information they receive from staff. Leaders engage with a range of external agencies to support families who are at risk or in need. The school keeps detailed and well-organised records of safeguarding.

All staff and governors complete regular safeguarding training. They understand and follow the school's policies and procedures. Pupils learn how to keep themselves safe.

They recognise risks to their welfare, including those associated with using the internet.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

Pupils' attendance remains below the national average. This means that too many miss important learning in the curriculum.

Leaders should make certain that parents and carers understand the detrimental impact of absence on their children's learning. Leaders should improve how staff help pupils who have been absent from school to catch up swiftly on their work. These changes will help to ensure that all pupils benefit fully from their education at the school.

. In key stage 2, some pupils have gaps in their knowledge of basic arithmetic, including addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. This holds back their mathematical understanding.

Leaders should ensure that the curriculum enables these pupils to catch up in their learning. Leaders need to make sure that pupils can use and apply their mathematical skills to solve problems and explain their thinking. This will mean that all pupils can become confident, able mathematicians.

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